Author's Note

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Hello!! So I know this book isn't nearly as exciting as the last one, but I'm glad u guys seem to be enjoying it so far. The pace has started to pick up, and I have some plot ideas. It's just difficult to get them all together, especially with my mind on piano and school work. We seem to be cramming in a lot of stuff since the end of the school year is approaching 😁

I would really appreciate it if u guys commented any thoughts on the story so far and anything you'd like to see happen. I'll try to work it in if possible!! You have no idea how much it helps me to see if u guys rate or comment; I am genuinely interested in what u think 😊

So if you're enjoying it, please keep reading! I'll try to keep updating

Love love love,
❤️ Samantha

P. S. I'm usually not so lovey, but writing gets me in a good mood 😋

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