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- - - - - - - - - - chapter 10 - - - - - - - 

song - shameless by camila cabello 

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amelia struggles against the persons hold as she is dragged to a dark spot 

she is pushed against the wall and she closes her eyes scared 

she hears a familiar voice " princess"

her eyes fly open and look her around her the boys are standing there and she sits there in shock and she pushes them " you fuckers" 

xavier covers her mouth once more " please shh amelia we have to tell you something. and we got to be fast" 

she quiets down and he removes his hand from her mouth 

" we arent cheating on you amelia..." 

she looks at them confused " it was all an act.. we had too do that.." 

amelia whispers " why?"

" they said they would hurt you" ace whispers 

amelia - ace.. i dont get it i was safe with you guys 

she was relived finding out they didnt cheat 

xavier - i dont either. this person had ways to get to you. in our house. they have proved that many times 

ace looks at his watch " we need to hurry before they show up " he rushes out 

amelia - who?

xavier kisses her fastly and she hums in delight. 

he pulls from her and lorenzo kisses her back roughly 

once he pulls from her ace grabs her and kisses her 

xavier - we cant talk more tonight 

he hands her a piece of paper " go there tomorrow night at 11 " 

it has an address on it " dont tell no one.. we dont know who this person is yet.. we are working on it but we haven't found out yet "  she nods 

they kiss her one last time 

lorenzo - i love you princess 

ace - i love you babygirl

xavier - and i love you love

she smiles at them " i love you guys too" 

- - - - 

they say their goodbyes and they make sure amelia gets into her car safely and than they go their own separate ways 

she drives home happy and relived. she gets back to macy's and she grabs the pizza's and heads back into the house she grabs plates and sets the table as the kids sit and eat. 

she grabs the divorce papers and throws them away while they eat. 

she than heads to the table and grabs a slice of pizza and eats it 

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the next day 

she wasnt gonna lie she was anxious to see them. 

the day goes by pretty fast 

amelia gives all of the kids baths before laying them down for bed after supper 

amelia gets different clothes on 

amelia gets different clothes on 

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