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song - not prepared for you by Diane warren and lauren Jauregui 

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Christmas Day 

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amelia gets up early in the morning to go bathroom and when she comes out of the bathroom the kids come running into the room and pouncing on the boys " wake up!!" they scream as they jump on the bed 

she smile at them as the boys wake up groaning " we are up we are up" ace whines 

iris giggles " presents! presents! " 

ace grabs her and starts tickling her and she screams " nooooooo" 

ace keeps tickling her as the others chase the other kids out of the room 

amelia smiles at them and heads to the bed and saves iris from ace making iris stick her tongue out at him " ha ha " 

ace - ill get you later kiddo 

iris smiles at him and laughs before sliding off of the bed onto the floor and running out of the room. 

amelia - we should get down there before they get more impatient. i should get more clothes on though. 

she looks down at herself in just the t shirt 

ace chuckles " well we definitely wouldn't mind it " 

amelia throws a pillow at him " i know you wouldn't"  

she heads into the closet and ace follows her in his Christmas sweats 

she slips some different pajamas on 

she slips some different pajamas on 

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ace slaps her butt "fucking sexy" 

amelia - shhh

ace - never 

he takes her hand and they head downstairs where everyone was waiting 

alejandro hugs his daughter " merry Christmas mija" 

" merry Christmas dad" she smiles at him as the kids crowd the tree " oo this one is for me!" 

amelia - one at a time 

she tells them and alejandro sits by them and hands them their presents one after another. the kids being happy at what they got. 

amelia of course got lots of pictures of them 

macy - they look so much like you amelia 

she smiles " id sure hope so.. they are mine" 

macy laughs slightly " yea" 

they smile at each other and macy lays her head on amelia's shoulder  " i love you lia" 

amelia pushes her lightly " i love you too" 

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