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 - - - - - - - -  - - -  chapter 11 - - - - - -  - - - -

song - woman like me by little mix

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amelia wakes up the next day with a sore achy body. arms are wrapped around her 

she opens her eyes and the boys are sleeping 

she sits up and moves out of their arms 

ace whines " no! dont go" 

she looks at him and lays back down into his arms. he lets a content sigh out as he holds her tightly 

she snuggles in his hold kissing his cheek lightly making him smile 

she falls asleep once again 

- - - - -

she wakes up to kisses being put on her face 

xavier - you know what?

she giggles " what?" she sits up 

xavier - im taking you and the kids and we are going to Italy 

her eyes widen " we wont tell anyone. we'll just go and leave here " ace says agreeing with him 

amelia - are you crazy? we cant just leave here 

lorenzo - its the only option amelia.. we need you with us 

amelia - what about macy? i cant just leave without telling her 

xavier gives her a sorry look " i know love.. but it is what's gonna keep you guys safe" 

she looks down " your right im sorry" 

lorenzo takes her hand in his and kisses it softly making her blush 

he rubs her hand " oh and we brought an outfit for you" 

xavier - we already bought an house over there.

amelia nods and ace kisses her lips " we are sorry baby" 

amelia - its not your fault.. just making sure we are safe 

they get up and they each take a shower and amelia gets dressed in the outfit they gave her 

they get up and they each take a shower and amelia gets dressed in the outfit they gave her 

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she gets back to macy's 

macy hugs amelia " ill be back after work" 

amelia nods and hugs her back " alright be safe love you "

macy - love you too 

they smile at each other and macy leaves

amelia writes a note to macy telling her 

" dear macy, 

me and the kids have to leave for a reason to keep you safe.. just know that i love you and we will see each other again.. the kids will miss you.. i will miss you too.. just dont look for us.. dont talk to nobody about us.. for your safety 

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