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- - - - - -  chapter 20 - -- - - 

song - consequences by camila cabello 

. . 

4 weeks later 

. . 

everything was going smoothly 

the boys got nothing out of the man except that his boss was a woman who wanted amelia dead. so they killed him

amelia was doing a whole lot better. her stomach was healed but she had a scar 

the boys helped her with everything. they wouldn't let her do anything by herself 

- - -

amelia gets out of the shower and slips her clothes on 

she heads downstairs into the kitchen and pecks ace's cheek 

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she heads downstairs into the kitchen and pecks ace's cheek 

ace - wow someone is happy today 

he looks at her and checks her out making her blush 

he grabs her waist and pulls her to him " you look beautiful" she blushes " thank you" 

he kisses her passionately " anytime mama" 

his hands run down her body and he squeezes her butt and she lets a small moan out 

he pulls from her lips and chuckles " mmm is someone needy?" 

she nods " please touch me" 

ace - since you asked so nicely 

he picks her up and sets her on the counter 

he kisses her and slides his hand down the front of her squeezing her breast lightly 

she moans into his mouth and he pushes the skirt up revealing her white lace panties 

his mouth goes down to her neck and sucks and bites her leaving marks all over her as she lets small moans out 

he pushes her legs apart with his hands. he pushes her panties to the side

ace groans " fuck you are so wet" he says as his fingers slide into her warmth 

she leans back slightly and moans out 

his other hand wraps around her waist and pulls her to him as he starts to slowly pump his fingers in her 

he sucks on her neck. slowly bringing his lips back to her lips 

he starts sucking on her lips as she moans " oh those fucking moans i missed" he says as he listens to her moans 

. . . . . . 

ace helps her clean up as she breaths heavily on the counter 

he helps her off the counter " now i cant wait to fuck you with my cock princess" he whispers in her ear and she flushes 

he lands a light spank on her butt a few times " now go say hi to xavier. he says you haven't been giving him enough attention " 

she giggles and nods and pecks his lips a few more times before hurrying out of the kitchen. 

she hurries up the stairs and finds his office 

she opens the door and peaks in and he is holding his forehead as he writes something down 

she slips in the room and shuts the door. he looks up at her and his face lights up. she walks to him and wraps her arms around his neck and he pulls her into his lap making her straddle him 

he kisses her lips roughly. he holds her waist to his as they make out on his chair 

her hands go into his hair and he groans " fuck i love you mama" 

she giggles into his lips " why are you guys calling me mama?" 

he slaps her butt " cause we can" 

she laughs " ok ok" 

he smiles up at her and pecks her swollen lips with his own 

he rubs her butt slowly " you are so gorgeous" he mumbles as she blushes and buries her face into his shoulder 

he chuckles and rubs her back slowly and she hums in delight 

he stands up with her in his arms " lets go cuddle" he walks out of the room as she laughs in his shoulder

he carries her to their room and lays her on the bed and crawls behind her and pulls her into his chest 

she smiles as she rolls over and lays her face into his chest " i love you" she mutters 

xavier - i love you too baby

she smiles big in his chest 

he holds her close as he rubs her back and kisses her head 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

they end up falling asleep together on the bed 

lorenzo walks in the room and smiles at the sight 

he crawls into the bed and amelia rolls over slightly and peaks through her eyelids " hiii" she mutters 

he smiles at her " hey princess" he leans down and pecks her lips 

she giggles and holds her arms up to him and he pulls her up into his lap. she wraps her arms around him and kisses his cheek. she whispers in his ear " im hungry" 

he chuckles " ace is making dinner" 

amelia yawns " how was the kids?" 

lorenzo - they were good princess.. we went to the store and they just kept grabbing everything. they are definitely ours 

amelia laughs into his shoulder 

lorenzo smiles at her 

she gets off of him and pounces on xavier making him groan 

she laughs and kisses his face " im sorry but you needed to get up" 

xavier laughs as he sits up " ok ok" 

they get up and head downstairs. the kids were already in their chairs. 

amelia sits down next to aaliyah after pressing a kiss to her head 

- - - - - - - - - - - -- 

its a kind of short chapter sorry.. 

but i hope you guys liked it 

till next time loves 

till next time loves 

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