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song - i dont wanna live forever by zayn and taylor swift 

. . . 

a few weeks later ( 20 weeks pregnant) 

amelia was now showing more 

. . 

xavier helps amelia out of bed and she groans " i dont wanna get uuuuupppp" 

xavier - buuut you gotta 

amelia -wwhhyyyyy?

xavier - cause we got a doctors appoiinnttmeennntttt

amelia sighs " damn it" she slides out of the bed 

xavier - you can sleep more after 

amelia - yes father 

xavier lands a slap on her ass making her yelp "xavier!"

xavier - watch your tone

she sticks her tongue out as she goes into the closet 

she pulls her pajamas off and slips a dress on 

she slips her slippers on muttering " fuck the shoes"

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she slips her slippers on muttering " fuck the shoes"

she comes out of the closet " im ready" 

xavier nods as he gets his watch on " the other two are busy with work and cant get off so its gonna be just us two" 

amelia nods and he pulls her into for a kiss " im sorry for waking you up" 

amelia - i forgive you if you get me chicken nuggets and fries and ice cream

xavier chuckles " of course love" 

she smiles brightly at him and he smiles back pecking her lips 

. . . . .. . 

they get to the doctors office. guards following them in front of them and everything 

amelia - are we really safe here xavier?

xavier - i dont know love i dont know 

amelia nods as they head into the building 

they get into the waiting room and xavier sits next to her with his hand on her thigh slowly rubbing it 

she smiles at him softly and they wait for the nurse to call them back 

. . . 

they get in the room and amelia has to change  since she wore a dress not pants or anything

amelia lays on the bed with a blanket over her legs and a small blanket covering her chest 

xavier sighs " you wear the silliest things sometimes" 

she pouts " you're mean" 

xavier - am not. but your still sexy 

he leans over and presses a kiss to her lips as the doctor comes in 

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