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"And why hasn't anyone thought to check her medical records until now?" Jimin rarely got the six of them together at the same time, and that usually meant he was unhappy about something. "Sir, medical records are confidential, even you as her husband won't be able to legally get her file" Jung Hoseok replied firmly and Jimin glared at him. "A while ago, we checked several hospitals, but we didn't expect Mrs. Park to be one of the patients we found..." Jeon Jungkook admitted, watching their boss closely.

"How many Park Aera do you think there are in hospitals?!" Jimin yelled at them and Hoseok flinched, looking down guiltily. "Actually, there are currently 1,769, and in the past two years, a total of 4,351 with the same name, at least half around Ms. Park's age" Jungkook replied, looking up from his computer.

"What did you find?" Jimin turned his attention to Jungkook, leaving the others to catch their breath. "Nothing from the first three months around the date your wife left" Jungkook scrolled the mouse, staring at the monitor. "After that, however, she started frequently visiting the emergency room of various hospitals, apparently it depended on where she was at the moment." Jimin walked behind him, leaning in to read in person, humming.

"Frequent and severe panic attacks, arrhythmia, high blood pressure as a result of the panic attacks and stress, she was referred to a psychologist and was treated until very recently" Jungkook continued. "Apparently the frequency of panic attacks has decreased since she started working" he added, looking up at Jimin. "The doctor said that socialization helps reduce the frequency of seizures" Jimin said thoughtfully, standing up.

"So as long as she's distracted and has people around her, she feels calm" Jimin thought as he went back behind his desk. "Jin, I want you to buy this and take it to the apartment" he wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to Jin. "Namjoon, make sure you're with her all day when I'm gone, so we can get her the walks she needs" Namjoon nodded. "Jungkook, research her doctors, I want to know how much they can be trusted and if you have to or judge, find better and more experienced ones" Jungkook mumbled something in response and turned back to his computer.

"Taehyung and Yoongi, you're coming with me" he stood up pulling out his phone. "Hoseok, I want you to find me a puppy" he picked up his coat rummaging through his phone and headed for the door. "Puppy?" Hoseok asked confused and Jimin stopped looking at him. "Animals reduce stress and my wife loves puppies, also don't make it too big" he explained, then turned back to Namjoon. "Go with Jin, when you get everything, make sure to tidy up the second bedroom, I'll see to it that Aera and I are not at home until tonight at least." Jimin walked out, followed by Yoongi and Taehyung.

"So he still cares about her?" grinned Jin. "More than he would admit" Hoseok winked at him and Jin nodded vigorously. "They love each other, they're hurt and they broke up because of misunderstandings and unspoken feelings, but sooner or later they'll work things out and everything will be fine between them" Namjoon walked to the door motioning for Jin to follow him.

"Jimin, what are you doing!" Aera panicked, wrapping her arms around his neck as he lifted her off the couch and carried her to the dressing room. "Did you take your pills?" he asked instead of answering her and she nodded looking down at his chest. "Fine" he answered indifferently and let her go, looking her up and down. "What are you doing?" Aera asked again as Jimin rummaged through her clothes. He pulled out a pair of lightweight light jeans, a cute white shirt, and a sleeveless gray knee length vest.

He handed her the clothes and turned, this time rummaging through her shoes. "Get changed, we're going out" he turned to her again and handed her a pair of sneakers, turning to his own clothes. Aera gaped at him in surprise. "Hurry up, they're waiting for us," Jimin urged her, starting to take off his work suit. "Who's waiting for us?" Aera didn't move from her seat, watching him take off his shirt.

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