"That idiotic Pucca... she is the cause for my shameful end... there must be a way I can put a stop to her and that awful Goh-Rong restaurant."
Dong King paced around in his hovercraft, grumbling annoyedly, thinking of ways to put an end to Pucca.
He glanced outside of his hovercraft, seeing colorful fireworks exploding throughout the sky, then finally, it clicked.
"Aha, I've got it..."
It was the next day, and Pucca stretched her arms and smiled brightly when she woke up. She looked to a picture of Garu on her nightstand and giggled, giving the portrait a smooch before she climbed off the bed and placed her slippers on.
She hummed and she walked, then noticed a note on the ground. Confused and curious, she picked it up and opened it.
'Dear Pucca, we have closed the Goh-Rong temporarily so we could go visit your family from faraway. Please keep it the same as before we left, and keep an eye on Dada.
-Uncle Dumpling, Uncle Ho, and Uncle Linguine'
Pucca read the entire note, then giggled, tossing it aside. She simply went ahead and got herself ready for the day, as usual.
"In merely five minutes... an explosive will hit this measly restaurant, and blow it to smithereens, now we'll see who has the best restaurant..." The Korean Hitler muttered maliciously to himself. He let out a maniacal laugh and smirked evilly and the next events that would soon commence.
Though Pucca was unaware of this. She simply grabbed a broom and started sweeping up the restaurant to make sure it was extremely clean, just to make her uncles even more proud, and to give the restaurant a spotless look, making it more presentable than it already was.
When she had finished sweeping, she let out a sigh, then turned to the other cleaning supplies. She already knew what she had to do.
Four minutes later, the restaurant was spotless, shining, and she knew her uncles would be impressed by her exemplary work. She grinned widely at the mere thought of their reactions.
Perhaps she should show Ching, Abyo, and... Garu. She lovingly sighed just thinking of Garu. Then she shook her head to snap her back to reality, and looked around the restaurant to see if there was anything else to tidy up.
Seeing nothing else, she just shrugged. She decided to go outside to meet with Ching and Abyo.
But turns out, she would not be able to accomplish the task.
She was about to walk out the door, then heard something from above, something loud. She hummed in confusion, wondering what it could be, until.
It had finally hit.
In the blink of an eye, everything was being destroyed, and before Pucca could even process it, she was being crushed and covered by the falling debris. She panicked, but made no sound. She was frozen in place, unable to jump out of the way in time, and then,
Unsurprisingly enough, the entire village had come rushing over to see what happened, including Ching, Abyo, and Garu.
"Oh my! What happened!?" Ching exclaimed, horrified. Abyo was in disbelief. "The Goh-Rong... it's been completely destroyed!"
But all Garu could think about... was if Pucca was okay. He dashed to the scene, pushing away everyone who was in his way.
Panting heavily from panic and fear, he dug through the debris, throwing every piece of concrete he could hold in his hands.
He was becoming terrified, and then noticed a bit of red cloth under the concrete. He gasped, fear shooting through his body, and immediately started rushing to get the concrete off of Pucca, they ended up heavily scarring and cutting his hands, but he didn't care. All that mattered was Pucca.
Once he could, he struggled to pull her out, but succeeded nonetheless. His eyes widened, and his mind was racing. He started shaking her, attempting desperately to wake her up.
The crowd spoke between each other in large chattering, asking what could've happened. Even the news reporters had come by to report on the event.
"EVERYBODY, CLEAR THE AREA, OVER." Shouted a loud voice form none other than Officer Bruce. Everyone obliged, everyone but Garu, who continued to try to wake Pucca up.
Ching and Abyo had run over to him to check on Pucca. "Pucca!" Ching gasped in pure shock and disbelief.
"Uhh, Garu, I don't think she's going to wake up.." Abyo stated awkwardly, but Garu didn't listen.
"Garu, you should—"
Garu got up, holding the unconscious girl in his arms tightly, then glared at Ching, stepping away.
"Garu, you must place Pucca down now, Over." Officer Bruce approached. Garu just shook his head, holding Pucca even closer to her.
"Garu- just listen! Now just hand her over an—" Garu sent Abyo away from him with a powerful kick once the latter tried to reach for Pucca.
Ching gasped. "ABYO!" She cried, rushing over to check if he was okay. Garu simply huffed, but Officer Bruce wasn't having it.
"Abyo, Ching, I think you know what you have to do, over." Officer Bruce said to the children. Ching helped Abyo into his feet, and they both nodded.
The two dashed to Garu, then grabbed him by the arms, forcing Pucca out of his hands. Garu shouted and fussed about in anger, kicking his feet and thrashing around the set himself free. Abyo and Ching were struggling quite a lot trying to hold him still.
Officer Bruce simply picked the girl up and walked her over to the ambulance, where the little helpers ran out of the vehicle and placed her on a stretcher, then rolled it inside of the vehicle, afterwards, they went inside themselves and drove off.
Garu felt hot tears spill down his face. He tried desperately to get out of Abyo and Ching's grasp and chase after the ambulance, but they definitely would not let that happen.
"Garu, you can't go after her, let it go!" Abyo hissed. Garu was flabbergasted. How could that idiot say something so dense... in a situation like this?...
Garu was so frustrated, he clenched his fists in anger. "NO!" He soon regretfully shouted. Everyone gasped in shock.
Garu realized what he had just done and clasped his hands over his mouth, wishing it wasn't true.
"Garu... did you just..."
No, no, no, no... it wasn't true, it could be true... he didn't...
"Did you just break your vow of silence!?"
Ching's words hit Garu deep. His shame was overwhelming, the attention, shock, the disappointment he believed everyone had in him.
He didn't want to let everybody down, not again. And so, with everyone distracted and Abyo's grip on him loosened, Garu forced himself free, then ran off into the distance, to be alone, and not cause anymore trouble.

Pucca Oneshots