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There were scraps of metal on the street from the battle. Knuckles wasn't too happy cause Eggman told him that Sonic wanted the emeralds for himself, 'earlier just before the battle started.' Once the battle ended, Knuckles was still mad at Sonic cause of Eggman's trick.

Sonic: *teases him* Come on Knucklehead. Why don't you join us for a celebration another victory against Eggman? Unless your not up for it. I think your beat like that master Emerald was when it broke. *laughing

Knuckles: *growls and glared at him before grabbing him by the neck* Thats it Sonic. You really done it this time. You and I are gonna have a showdown. Meet me at silver valley at 6 PM! Don't be late. *walks off*

Eggman shouted as he flew away, "I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!! I HOPE KNUCKLES MAKES SURE YOU NEVER RUN AGAIN HEDGEHOG!!" The group watched Eggman flew off as Amy and Tails argued how their plan wasn't going well. Sonic sighed and assumed Knuckles was tricked. But there were a pair of eyes on the blue hedgehog and the others.

???: *cackled* So... Einstein is having fun trying to take over this world Huh? I see he tricked Red once again. Hahahaha!! Well how about we show them how the pros do it. *eying Sonic* Maybe by tricking the youngest prince of Mobius into turning his back against red. *cackling*

(Vocaloid intro. Thought it suits this. Though I imagined Sonic, Manic, Sonia, and my oc's in their places.)

It was about 2: in the afternoon at the Thordyke Mansion. Chris waited for his parents to come home cause they and Sonic said they have a surprise for him. Chris thought it was going to be another toy but it was something else. Something he thought he lost. Chris looked at Amy, and Tails 'who are at his mansion' are mad at each other after another battle against Dr. Eggman. Chris said to himself, "I didn't think the last battle made them this upset." Thats when Chris's father 'Nelson' entered with a smile while his mother 'Lindsay' and Sonic entered.

Nelson: Hey there Chris. We brought the surprise.

Lindsay: Close your eyes honey.

Chris: *sighs* Okay. *closes his eyes*

Sonic opened the door slowly and it revealed a beautiful 11 year old little girl 'who had bored a lot of resemblance to Lindsay but her hair is long and she has her fathers eyes'. Her name is Hannah J. Thorndyke. She is the lost sister of Chris. She went missing for an unknown reason a few days before Sonic showed up. Up until recently she was found by her father by the street of night waving and she was sent to the hospital due to a serious cold. Sonic knew about it cause Nelson and Lindsay introduce Hannah to him and half of the city knew Hannah was brought back to her hometown by one of Sonics childhood best friends and pretend girlfriend 'Rika Flora' also known as Flarelight The Hedgehog. The two were happy to see each other and they have been hanging out in secret. Hannah entered her house and that's when the two servants 'Ella and Mister Tanaka' had surprised looks on their faces. Hannah took her brothers hand and that alone made him open his eyes and to his surprise. He saw his little sister.

Chris: *in tears* Y-you...

Hannah: *smiled* Hi big brother.

Chris; Hannah. Y-your okay.

Mr. Tanaka: *surprised* M-Mistress Hannah.

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