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A/N: This chapter involves a little scary content.

Knuckles 'who had to go to Jacks once again' had to go see Hawk due to him and Sonics friendship getting difficult.

Knuckles: *walking to Jacks* Things went from bad to worst. My friendship with Sonic recently got difficult. He's been seen with two old friends of his and recently with my old flame Sonia 'who is Sonics older twin sister'. Yeah I was involved with Sonic before anyone else was. Though I had made a few mistakes that I have regret.

Once he entered Jacks he sees Hawk with two of the Bruiser Boys at the bar.

Knuckles: *sat next to him as the bartender cleans the cups* Hawk?

Hawk: *looks at him* Hey Knuckles. Listen the bruiser boys and I have just been talking.

Bruiser boy 1: Yeah. S.O.N.I.C.X. had an unexpected visit from some hot looking Fox lady. Said something about you did something to Sonic.

Knuckles: *surprised in a negative way* That heartless witch is here?! Ugh. Figures Fiona blabbed a little.

Bruiser Boy 4: She said you did something to Sonic.

Hawk: What did you do Knuckles?

Knuckles: *takes a deep breath* I put his father in a coma and had Scourge took out his brother.

Bartender: *gasped* You did that to Sonic? How could you do that?

Knuckles: But I didn't meant to. I regret what I did and I felt so horrible.

Hawk: But why didn't you tell him earlier?

Knuckles: I tried to and I wanted to. But I keep getting interrupted and I couldn't bring myself to due to thinking Sonic would hate me. Somehow he found out about it and hates me anyway.

Hawk: *concern* Well if you reason with him that you didn't mean to, Sonic will probably understand.

Bruiser boy 3: You know he's right. If you try talking to Sonic, he'll probably understand.

Knuckles: I would but he didn't want to talk to me. So where is that fat Li Yan at?

Bartender: I dunno. He shoulda been here an hour ago. In fact he hasn't come out of his office.

Bruiser boy 4: Well the talk about what happened is spreading like a forest fire.

Knuckles: What do you mean?

Hawk: He's talking about the murders of the members of the S.O.N.I.C.X. that got murdered last week.

Bartender: I heard about that Hawk. Geez. Who did they anger?

Bruiser Boy 2: I dunno. But there have been rumors that members of S.O.N.I.C.X have been getting murdered. Two of the members were killed while they were driving last week. They've been getting death threats that if they don't leave Sonic alone; they'll get consequences. Progress turned up nothing. Other members of S.O.N.I.C.X. that came upon Sonics path are going hysterical, they are scared out of their minds. Now they are getting rumors like; S.O.N.I.C.X. members are getting killed brutally or some radical group is doing it.

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