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After school, the Thorndyke siblings walk through town while talking about how to save the two robots.

Hannah: Hmm. How about...? No it won't work.

Chris: *looking at the pendant his Uncle Sam gave him and the one he gave to Hannah.* Say Hannah there's something about these pendants Uncle Sam gave us.

Hannah: What about them big brother?

Chris: Remember what Uncle Sam said about them being special?

Hannah: Yeah. I wonder what he meant.

<a short while earlier>

Before they arrived at school, Ella was outside giving the Thorndyke kids they're lunch kits. Before the both of them can go to school, a familiar car stopped in front of them. It was the S-team leader and their Uncle Sam Speed.

Sam: *comes out of the car* Hey Chris. *to Hannah* Hi there Hannah. How's my niece and nephew doing?

Hannah: We're doing okay Uncle Sam.

Chris: If your here to race Sonic then he's not here.

Sam: *a little disappointed* Did he leave early?

Hannah: No he's at Ron's place with Rika and Grey-Sky.

Sam: Oh. *in a confident expression* Well I'm also here to talk to your mom and I wanna give you guys something before you both go to school. *reaches into his pocket and then reveals a black star pendant and a purple butterfly pendant* Your mom and I use to wear these all the time when we were little kids. But now I am passing these to you two. I was gonna save them when you both are teens but I think it's the right time.

Hannah took the butterfly pendant as Chris took the black star pendant.

Sam: *walks pass them* Well I gotta talk to your mother. Have fun in school.

Lindsay: *outside and looking at the pendants in shock*

Sam: *looking at his sister as he muttered to her: Linds don't be so shocked. you knew this day would come.*

Lindsay: *sighs deeply and muttered while looking at her son and daughter: I know. But Sam you must understand. I wanted both my children to live their lives as a normal brother and sister. Even though we weren't there much for them. *sighs* Guess there's no point in hiding it.

Chris and Hannah coulda sworn they saw the pendants glow but they dismissed it as the sun shining on them. Chris put his pendant around his neck. He sees Hannah struggling to get hers on.

Chris: Here let me little sis. *helps Hannah put it on*

Hannah: Thank you big brother.

Chris: *hugs her* Hey what are siblings for.

He broke the hug as the both of them head to school.

Lindsay: *sighs deeply and muttered: I don't know if I can tell them. I haven't told anyone.*

Nelson: *behind them* Tell me what?

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