Advanced Spanish (Nancy's pov)

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Earlier That Day

"I will guard it with my life oh Nancy the bold" Robin said tucking the pen into the pocket of her vest.

I let out a small chuckle. That whole free period left me on edge. My heart is still catching up with itself. It may have been the height difference or the fact she had actually turned the mocking nickname "Nancy Drew" into something laughable

We met at the unlikely circumstance that was none other than fighting a fleshy blend of melted people and rats in the local mall that was run by none other than the Russians. Not to mention her newfound Platonic, Romantic, something or another with Steve.

Well, The funniest thing is this isn't even the first time we have met. The first real conversation we had was in the theater nearly three years ago. She was working there and caught Steve and I together. She looked so much like Barbra it caught me off guard. She was the only other person who seemed to genuinely care about Barb's Sudden disappearance. But that was 3 years ago. Before all the Garbled mess of gooey monsters and barbs death "due to chemical poisoning"

There was something about the way she walked, and acted around others, her clothes were not your typical front page of Seventeen Magazine. They were a clash of patterns and textures, they looked like stuff you could find in the back of my dad's closet, and my brothers combined. She also never felt the need to dress herself up for boys, in fact, she seems unfazed by their existence.

But why do most girls drool at the sight of Steve but she treated him as anything but, she acts like a younger brother in a way.

I don't know why but she left me more flustered than Steve ever could. This feeling was something I hadn't had since Barb. No, it can't be that. I'd buried that feeling 3 years ago when I dated Steve and again when I started dating Jonathan. Maybe that was why. Robin acts a lot like Jonathan, occasionally stumbley, Unfazed by others, But overall very caring.

By the time I get to class I can't stop thinking of her and what she said, the way she was so quick to take me in as a friend. Part of me says to push away, keep my walls up because what if something happened to her?

Like Barb.

From the moment El said "Gone" I told myself I can't get that close again. Something tells me that letting her in may be a good thing. I try to push it back and focus on class but she can't escape my mind. And she wouldn't for the remainder of the day. Her smile and laugh ingrained in me like the episodes of dick van dyke I used to record on my family VHS with fervor.

By the time it reaches the end of the day I rush to the cafeteria where I meet up with Dustin and Lucas' little sister.

Dustin hands me a T-shirt "as promised here is this, Eddie had these whipped up for you and Robin" he said.

I opened the shirt. It was matching his own "thank you Dustin. But what about Steve, doesn't he get one" say said

"Oh I have his hold on," Dustin said going back into the cafeteria, returning moments later with a third shirt. "Thank you," I say, he waves as he and Erica head into the darkened room.

           I pull the Shirt over my sweater. It's ever so slightly too big, the sleeves are just covering the tops of my hands. When I turn around I am met with the face I spent all day trying to scrub from my brain, Robin Buckley, a girl unphased by the male gaze, is best friends with a guy that any girl would pay hundreds of dollars just to be that close with Steve Harrington. She was stoic, standing taller than most girls in our class, and she wore her hair shorter than most. It looked as if she had taken kitchen scissors to her hair, it had its charm as a form of self-reliance. And she was walking toward me Waving and smiling.

             I felt a heat fill my cheeks but not the heat of anger but a heat I hadn't felt in a while and it felt good. "Get a hold of yourself Wheeler she probably doesn't even like girls and neither do you" I whisper to myself. I set my stuff down and hold up her shirt "Look what we get" I say as she makes her way over to me with that dorky smile of course trailing not far behind looking like a lost puppy was once king of Hawkins, Steve Harrington, and there it is again the warm buzz part of me hopes that this feeling never leaves

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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