Chapter 9

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Eight Years Ago

She let out a quiet hiss as she dipped her toe in the water, why was it always so hard to get it the right temperature, then bounced from foot to foot as she adjusted the taps.

"Someone's excited."

"Damn right someone is." She shot a grin over her shoulder which grew when Mouse met it, then faded when he put a bag down in the hall before coming into the bathroom beside her. "You know you don't have to leave. We know how to be respectful."

He snorted, dubious but not offended. "Respectful you are. Quiet, not so much. And I know I don't have to, but trust me, I am fine giving you two your space. Plus me and Lydia are really starting to enjoy these impromptu slumber parties- she's making a big lasagna and I'm going to stop at the store and grab some gummy bears and wine and then we're going to binge watch crappy reality shows."

"Weird combo, but okay, I like it."

Mouse just shrugged, wiggling his eyebrows before he pulled her in for one last hug- Jay was due home in the next ten minutes and their friend wanted to be gone before then so he wouldn't ruin the surprise. Not that he ever could, not really, the three of them were in a relationship almost as much as she and Jay were, but Tess got it. There were moments she gave them their space too, just like there were moments Jay left to her and Mouse. Aside from her aunt and her team there wasn't anyone in the world she was closer with and while sometimes the fact that all those circles were getting more and more intertwined felt like it was going to send her into a tailspin, most of the time she appreciated it. Hell, she loved it. That Mouse and Lydia had their own routine, their own sleepovers, wasn't just heartwarming to her it was hilarious, and now that her team was starting to come around more, both on and off work hours, the comedy was writing itself. It was like they were all one big, happy family, a feeling she hadn't felt in... forever.

Twelve years.

"You sure you're good?"

She stepped back with a nod, Mouse was almost as good as Jay at reading her, and just as good as everyone else, gently squeezing his arm when he looked her over for what must be the sixteenth time. "I'm good. Not even tired, just... a little anxious to see him."

"You mean to see how poorly he managed you being gone."

"I can't imagine he was that bad."

"Nah. A little grumpy the next morning, but he gets that way if I drink his almond milk. Never thought I would say that about him." Mouse finished with a shake of his head, and this time it was her turn to snort.

Jay had tried the beverage once at Lydia's and fallen in love, to the point where it was now the one thing he could always be relied on to stock the fridge with. He didn't even put it in his coffee, rarely, just drank it straight, like she did with regular milk.

He was just a lot more protective of it.

But even that was nowhere near the level of protective he was when it came to her, which was how Tess knew their friend was under-exaggerating his response to her departure. She also knew Mouse and Lydia would've looked after him in her absence, the former had already caught her up to speed on their visit to the museum yesterday morning and how they'd had dinner together last night, both done under the guise of looking after her aunt even though in reality they all knew they were all looking after each other. She really hadn't been gone long this time, actually this was a record, but of course Jay didn't know she was back yet; for all he knew she was hiding in the brush in the middle of the Cuban jungle fighting for her life against a horde of dangerous criminals. A far cry from what this little adventure had actually turned out to be but not so different from a normal work trip that it was unthinkable, and that didn't include his vivid, worst-case-scenario imagination.

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