Bonus Scene

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Present Day

"Look, all I'm saying is, man to man, you should've told me. What if I'd been... ya know?"

"And all I'm saying is, man to man, don't touch stuff you don't understand. Especially her stuff. You have no idea what that could have been."

She'd been trying to hold in her laugh but the memory of Adam coming out of Tess's bathroom with a huge wet spot on his pants and the vague hand motion and genuine pout he gave now combined with Jay's complete lack of concern had Kim breaking, even more when Adam shot her an offended look.

"You know, you could take my side."

"Not on this. He's totally right. I mean, come on- it was a toilet. What did you think was going to happen?"

"I don't know!" He shook his head, flapping a hand at the both of them before he hooked his thumb at Jay. "According to this one it could've been an escape pod. Okay, that was a joke, you can't actually think-"

"Hey, Burgess."

Kim didn't get to hear the rest of their conversation, which sucked because Jay looked like he honestly thought an escape pod could have been possible but she knew better than to keep Platt waiting.

"You three look like you're having fun." The Desk Sergeant said dryly as she slid over some paperwork that needed her signature; she'd never thought when she joined the force that so much of her time would be taken up with desk work but such was the glamorous life of a cop.

"Yeah, Jay and Tess had us over for dinner last night. She has a bidet in her bathroom that Adam learned about the hard way."

The older woman snorted and cast her eyes over to Adam who of course noticed and shot Kim another betrayed look before making his way upstairs, mumbling something about how everyone liked to gang up on him.

Which was true, but only because he made it so easy.

"I hear they're living on a boat?" Trudy asked as she took the pack back, raising her brows when Kim nodded.

"A houseboat, yeah. I wasn't sure at first either but it was amazing. You wouldn't even be able to tell you're on the water if it weren't for the sound of the waves."

Platt just nodded but Kim caught her shooting Jay his own look, which he met briefly before hurrying after Adam, his shoulders noticeably tighter than they'd been just a minute ago. He was trying his best but it wasn't hard to tell this situation was weighing on him. Not just everything with him and Tess, though she'd meant what she'd said last week- Kim couldn't remember the last time she'd seen him so happy. She didn't think she ever had. But that didn't mean they didn't have their issues, especially after what they'd gone through. They'd told them the gist of things, Tess more than Jay, about how she'd lost her aunt and had to spend some time away making sure she was safe, and just how busy life as an operative was in general. And now on top of dealing with everything that came with being back in each other's lives they had to deal with having an audience for it, not to mention that not all of Intelligence had been as welcoming as her and Adam.

Kevin got along with Tess too but Vanessa and Hailey were clearly wary, honestly sometimes Vanessa was just shy of bitchy which sure as hell didn't help the tension with Jay, though Tess didn't really seem to care. And Voight clearly didn't trust her yet, despite how much help she'd given them with the Braddem case. And apparently Platt had reservations about her too. It was a mess and she didn't blame Jay for struggling, or for keeping his distance. They all did it, and they usually all paid the price for it, but even though that was their norm Kim didn't feel comfortable doing that this time. Not after the way Tess had made herself uncomfortable to make her feel better.

If she didn't do the same, what did that say about her?

So even though it went against how their relationship usually functioned she shot Trudy a look, raising her own brows when the other woman gave one back.


"You know we're not in high school anymore." Trudy's face dropped into a deadpan look but before she could give one of her cutting replies Kim pushed on. "All I'm saying is this is a hard enough situation without all of us being judgmental. Tess is good people- she's kind and funny and smart, and we actually have a lot in common."

Trudy huffed, not against what she'd said but not entirely sure of it either, and it wasn't until her eyes flicked down and softened that Kim realized her hand had been drifting towards her stomach; not by much, but the eagle-eyed Sergeant didn't miss much. And she was smart enough to put two-and-two together.


She'd opened her mouth, with no idea what was going to come out of it but before she could figure it out Trudy scoffed. "What do I look like, the girl voted most likely to be a chatty Cathy?"

Now it was Kim's turn to scoff.

Definitely not.

Platt might know all the gossip of the 21st district but she didn't spread it, and... maybe it wasn't a bad thing if she knew. It definitely looked like it was making her rethink some things and if that made things easier on Jay and Tess, wasn't that what she'd been trying to do?

"Thanks." She said quietly, smiling when Trudy rolled her eyes and begrudgingly bumped her fist against hers.

This wasn't at all how she'd thought this conversation was going to go, but wasn't that how things usually went? At least she'd stood up for her friend. The word made her pause for a second, but only one. Tess was her friend, or at least she wanted her to be.

She needed more badass women in her life.

The Soldier and The Spy: Tess Danvers- Episode 4Where stories live. Discover now