Chapter 3

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Minutes slowly turned into hours, hours slowly turned into days, at the mansion, to which now everyone sat in the main room, no one wanting at all to leave to kill or really do anything, as whatever happened to Jack the night the police showed up, they didn't want to happen to either of them, either.

Some laid around on the floor and couch, others lazily sat around, but all had their own individual thing to do, except for Jill, who slumped, bored, in a chair, her head up, staring at the ceiling.

She then looked over beside her chair she sat in to see Ben, staring up at her, his facial expression showing confusion and concern.

"What?" Jill coldly questioned.

"You seem a bit off today, what exactly is bothering you?" He asked.

"You, that's what" she replied.

"Ha, ha, nice one!" Jeff laughed from his spot on the couch.

"You know what I mean, Jill" Ben pushed on.

"Don't worry about her, Ben, she just misses her beloved Jack!" Clockwork giggled from the floor across from them.

"You stay out of it and shut up, bitch!" Jill yelled, standing up immediately.

"Damn, calm down, Jill, who pissed in your cereal this morning?" Jeff pushed on.

Jill huffed and sat back down, her arms crossed.

"There's something obviously pissing you off, so what is it?" Eyeless Jack joined in, as he sat on the couch across from Jeff.

"Okay, fine! It's true! I miss him a little. But just a little!" She admitted.

"Ugh, I'm sure he's fine, it's only been a few days" Jeff said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, I mean, isn't it you that said it would be a miracle if he left one day?" Jane questioned, sitting on the floor with Sally next to Jeff's leg against the couch.

"That's...none of your business" Jill hesitantly said. "Only, except, he may not ever come back, he probably forgot to love you, so it doesn't even matter anyway" she continued, slightly smiling.

Jane stared at her for a moment before standing up and quickly making her way out of the room.

"Jane..." Sally called after her, standing as well and following behind.

"Wow, Jill...mother of the year" Jeff said, chuckling.

Jill rolled her eyes before getting up and leaving as well.


"Jack, we're gonna get caught!" Cindy worriedly exclaimed as she watched the police chase them from over Jack's shoulder, who carried her as he ran.

"Not a chance! I may not be fast, but as soon as I can use my powers I'll teleport the both of us to the mansi-AH!" He was caught off by ropes tightening around his ankles, making him fall.

That's when he turned himself invisible and visible again, his power starting to work.

Cindy rolled to a stop and looked back at him as he glitched, fading in and out. She then gasped, seeing the police getting closer.

Jack tried to teleport himself next to her, but nothing was working, the side of the woods he was in caused his power to glitch while the side she was in...

Jack immediately tried untying himself, as Cindy tried to help him.

Once he realized it was no use, he gently pushed her away, as the police got closer and closer.

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