Chapter 4

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The four creepypasta killers stood before a glass box with a cross on top, dark red lighting over it, warning signs all around it about the Laughing Jack in-the-box that was kept locked up inside, all behind a red ribbon to keep people away from it.

"Wow, you'd think they keep him in some creepy museum shit instead of a prison" Jill said, staring at the box behind the glass.

"Jill, that's Annabelle you're thinking about" Clockwork responded.

"Well, nah shit! Let's just hurry up and get him out, no one's gonna come, me and Nina took care of the cameras and guards" Jill said, pointing to the ground to make her point as blood and guts spilled everywhere beneath dead bodies.

"Alright, okay" Ben said, as he now kicked over the red ribbon and over to the glass box, taking out a hammer, shattering the box and reaching in to grab the jack-in-the-box, Jill helping him.

Once they got it out, Jill immediately began shaking the box, trying to get Jack to pop out.

"Powers here still doesn't work, but you can come out now" she said as she did so.

But, nothing happened.

"Maybe we twist the handle?" Nina guessed.

"Hm" Ben took the box from Jill and began turning the crank to it's song's rhythm.


The lid popped open, but still no Jack.

They all gathered as they looked inside, confused, as the box remained to be...

"Empty?!" Jill exclaimed in her confused voice.

"That makes no sense at all" Clockwork huffed.

Suddenly, they all looked again as a shape of a person laying inside the box began to glitch to it's form, Laughing Jack appearing, his eyes closed and his knees tightly up against his chest.

"Oh! He was just invisible! Classic old LJ again, guys!" Ben laughed.

"Wait, the powers here doesn't work, how was he able to turn himself invisible?" Nina questioned.

"He does that" Jill said, rolling her eyes. Then, she looked down at the sleeping Jack again, her expression softening. "But...I never seen his power or abilities, or ANYTHING, glitch, there might be something wrong with him, then again we are on a side of this world that all our shit is gonna stop working or glitch" she continued.

"He's probably stressed" Clockwork shrugged.

"Well, we can talk later, let's just go!" Ben said, beginning to drag Jack out of the box.

"Right" Jill agreed, now helping him drag Jack from the box.

Ben then lifted Jack's head and arms as Jill lifted his legs, both working together to get the passed out Jack out of the room as they all left.

"Why not just wake him?" Clockwork giggled, watching the two halfway drag the clown.

"Because he would have already when we messed with his box, trust me, he's probably knocked out good right now and probably won't budge until later" Jill explained, walking backwards as she led the way out in carrying Jack's legs, both Ben and Jill letting his torso and half his butt drag on the floor.

"Damn he's heavy" Ben huffed, Jack's nose pointing into his arm as he allowed his head to lull back against his chest. "How do you put up with him, Jill?" He asked, chuckling.

"I don't, but please just shut up and focus on helping me rush him out so we can rest and leave him to wake up on his own" Jill huffed back, picking up her pace.

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