Chapter 7

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"You're back!" Sally happily exclaimed as she stood from the couch, the seven walking in from their little mission.

Jeff slumped down on the couch, lazy. "Yup" he sighed.

The others lazily laid and sat around, Cindy sitting close next to Laughing Jack as he sat on the floor next to the chair Jill sat in.

"Feels good to be back too" LJ said, laying an arm around Cindy.

"Hey!" Ben suddenly exclaimed as he stared at the two, sitting across from them, as he jumped up on his feet, grinning. "I have an idea!" He said, his finger in the air.

"Pfft, you always have ideas!" Jeff laughed.

"Dumb ones too" Jane added.

"No, guys really, hear me out!" He said, his grin fading to a smile.

Everyone in the room stared at him as he then walked in the middle of the room, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Why don't we" he paused and pointed at Cindy, everyone now looking at her as she blushed. "Let her join us as a new creepypasta?!" He exclaimed, his grin returning.

"What would even be the reason of that?" Eyeless Jack questioned.

"Aw, come on guys! She does have a tragically horrible past, she is about the same age as we all came, and she did kill her parents and make them suffer!" Ben pushed his point.

"Even though there's a lot of us, it wouldn't be so bad having her here" Jeff shrugged.

"We could let her sleep in my room" Sally said, laying her hand on her chin in thought.

"She would be a great help around here" Eyeless Jack said, shrugging as well.

"It might a good idea" Laughing Jack pointed out.

"What do you say, Cindy? Wanna stay here?" Ben asked, bending down in front of the girl next to Laughing Jack with a smile, as everyone now stared at her again.

"Well..." Cindy began, as she looked at everyone in the room, as they leaned forward, waiting for her to give a straight answer.

She then looked back at Ben, giggling. "Yeah! I'd love to! I made quite the new friends here" she said, looking over at Jane and Sally, the two girls giggling.

"And most importantly, I learned how nice it is hanging out with serial killers" she laughed, leaning in to Jack and hugging him, as he laughed and hugged back.

"Great!" Ben excitedly exclaimed, hopping on his feet.

"Let's have a celebration to celebrate this moment of a new member of the Creepypastas!" Clockwork laughed, everyone in the room now cheering and laughing, knives and guns and all sorts of weapons flying through the air.


Later that night, while everyone all snuggled in their favorite places, no one really doing anything, Laughing Jack sighed as he made his way to his bedroom, wanting to just be left alone to his so much missed room.

Since most of the Creepypastas were either entities or ghosts, they didn't really feel the need to sleep, except for those that weren't.

Jack was a ragged doll-like entity, so there was no point in a such thing as sleep.

However, nothing and no one would stop him from laying in his nice and well made bed.

Jill and Jane were playing games with Sally and Cindy, so they were in the other room.

Jack opened the door to his untouched room and walked further in, taking in the sight of his dark room, smiling.

He shut the door behind him and immediately went to slump on his bed.

He laid there for a moment when suddenly he heard his door opening.

Confused, he looked over, not being able to see anything at all.

He sighed and got up out of bed to shut it, now returning back to his bed.

"Must be the girls pranking me" he sighed.

But when he crawled back in bed, he paused and gasped as he felt two arms slide around his waist, a head laying against his back.

He smiled, thinking it was Jill or Cindy, and carefully laid down, allowing whoever it was to lay next to him as he laid facing the shut door.

"It's either you, Cindy, or you, Jill, or who knows, maybe it's my beautiful daughter? But I don't think Jane would like to cuddle, huh? I can be kinky with you if it's you, Jill, you could've just said so" he whispered, laughing, grabbing the hands that laid on top of his stomach and around to his back.

"Bold of you to assume it's a lady" a male voice suddenly replied, causing Jack to freeze and blush as he then looked down to see who's hands were actually cuddling him.

"Jeff?" Jack questioned, turning his head back to see Jeff's face, who smiled up at him.

Jack blushed even more as his confusion grew, but the tears in Jeff's eyes stopped him from moving or forcing the killer away from his waist.

"What are you doing? What's wrong?" He whispered.

"Nothing I just..." Jeff paused and sighed as a blush came to his face.

He scooted in closer and squeezed his eyes shut, now smiling.

"I missed you" he then said.

Jack chuckled. "Well, I can get kinky with you, too" he said, before turning his body to face Jeff, who opened his eyes again.

Jack wrapped his long arms around the other and leaned in, kissing Jeff's soft lips.

Jeff closed his eyes, blushing, and moaned quietly as he kissed back, feeling Jack's hands rubbing up and down his back and all over his body.

"You know, your body against mine may be better than Jill's" Jack chuckled in a whisper.

Jeff chuckled before going back to the kiss, as they held each other, warmth between them growing.

Because the both of them knew...

Fear triggers everyone...

Even in the most mysterious, romantic, ways.

                      The End

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