Chapter 5

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Slenderman, Jeff, and Eyeless Jack stood next to each other in the back of the mansion close to the woods behind them as they stood in front of the three girls, Cindy shaking as she stared at Slenderman, afraid.

"Probably should have warned you not to look at his face before coming, but oh well you'll get used to it! Considering seeing he obviously has no face isn't that bad. Anyway! These are our three finest killers, well that and the others aren't obviously here. There are multiple ways to kill, and since they can't be here to demonstrate some of those ways, we have these three to show you!" Sally explained.

"We have Slenderman, aka Slendy, the one who adopted all of us to this mansion, he can show you how to choke or slaughter someone, and maybe possibly make them suffer through horrible no nightmares come true" Jane began to explain, introducing the first one in line.

"Then, we have Jeff, he's one of our greatest, he can show you all the different and cool ways to stab someone to death or simply targeting the heart and kill them instantly with just one slice" Sally introduced, giggling, as Jeff pulled out two knives, huge grin on his face, sending shivers down Cindy's spine.

"And finally our next finest, Eyeless Jack, or some of us call him EJ to separate him from all the LJs. He loves to take organs especially kidneys, but he'll show you how to poison someone and how to quicken the speed of the poison to kill them, and if there's more ways we can think of to kill someone we'll teach you, but for now and probably just today you'll only learn the basics, by the end you'll know everything from killing to making yourself scary and hide bodies and cleaning up your evidence" Jane laughed.

"And that's it! Questions?" Sally asked, looking at Cindy's slightly frightened face.

"No, let's just go, I wanna feel happy, I wanna kill them, I'm ready to learn!" Cindy said out of hunger for revenge and happiness.

"Then, let's go! Choose the first killer you want to go with" Jane said, exited.

Cindy then walked over and gave them all each a good look again before walking over to Jeff.

"So, me, huh? Alright kid, let's go, I'll take you to my favorite part of the woods" Jeff said, walking back towards the woods.

Cindy smiled and followed close behind him.


A knife flung across the way and hit a tree, stabbing the tree perfectly, as Jeff then walked over and pulled it out, turning back and smiling at the girl.

"It's as simple as that, for the basics, think you could give it a try now?" He questioned.

Cindy nodded, Jeff handing her her own knife, and walked back a foot from where Jeff did it, now her turn to try, as she hid behind a bush that he did.

"Now if the tree were your mom or your dad, you would want to squeeze behind a bookshelf or something secure with a good eyesight of the throat, and make sure it's well in a shadow and you're wearing something dark, or else they'll fucking catch ya" Jeff explained.

"No worries, I'm small and quiet as a mouse! At least that's what mom would say" Cindy said, carefully holding the knife away from her, as she was afraid of accidently cutting herself.

"Alright, enough talking! Begin!" Jeff announced, moving out of the way.

Cindy quietly hovered through the bush and darted the knife towards the tree, only for it to land a few inches away from her.

Jeff laughed, picking up her knife as she stood up.

"Too lame, too loud, remember I can't be able to hear you're in the bush! And your aim is only half right" he said, putting the knife in her hand and positioning her arm a certain way.

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