(chapter 3) lack of awareness

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Me and luffy enter the shack(or a cabin?) It was quiet and dark which is suspicious, but I knew the bandits are hiding I can't remember all of the Luffy memories from all the episodes but I'll make use of all the information I know in one piece- and then group of bandit was behind us with a knife near our throat "who are you-" the bandit said "give us your money or we'll kill you!" Luffy answer "I don't have any!" While i didnt react much emotion, another bandit said "then tell your parents to bring some moneys here!" I only stay silence, luffy reply "what I have is only grandpa!" The bandit ask "that's fine. What's his name?" And then dogra step in and answer "Garp."

All the bandits look at dogra with shock face, I sliencely chuckle as their face they are making are quite funny 😆 and the atmosphere have become less serious a bandit in the group ask "is this kids...?" Dogra answer with a blank expression 🗿 "He's going to live here with us." All the bandits shout out loud as I cover my ears "WHY DID YOU ACCEPT?!, THIS IS NOT A DAYCARE!!" "Our boss has no guts!" And then dadan bring out a lot of meat and said "KEEP QUIET YOU ALL!, IT'S TIME TO EAT!" all the bandit immediately run to the meats, fighting for the meats  'wow seeing in person is a lot chaotic then I thought' I thought to myself before looking at luffy "I want some meat!" Said luffy with sparkling eyes

before a bandit slam luffy head to the ground "are you okay luffy?" I reach my hand out as luffy get up "I'm okay! But I want to eat meats!" Luffy said with drooling from his mouth I answer "if you want meats then we should hurry cause the bandits is gonna eat all of it without sharing haha-" I said with worry tone 'I can endure the hunger but luffy properly won't have the energy if he doesn't eat' I thought to myself dadan give us a bowl of rice and water I only drink water while luffy eat all his rich in one sec "can I have some more pops?" Said luffy dadan reply "I'm a woman!" I chuckle from the scenes "Do you even know where you are now?!" Said dadan luffy stay silence "then I will tell you, this is a den of the Dadan family, mountain bandits, that rule Mt.Corvo!" And then luffy reply to dadan "Mountain bandits?, I hate mountain bandits!" Said luffy before Dadan yell at luffy "Shut up, you little shit, we are annoyed by having a kid like you!" I stay silence with my rice bowl in my hand "if you don't want to stay here, that fine!, Go away and die like a dog somewhere!" Said dadan in angry tone
"I wanna eat more..." Said luffy, I softly tap on luffy shoulder and handed him my bowl of rice "you can eat mine, I'm not hungry" I smile at luffy "really?! Arigato y/n!" As luffy take my rice bowl 'oh god his face is adorable'

I thought to myself as i unconsciously smile brightly ,Dadan look at me but not saying a thing, meanwhile ace was eating meats on his plate "I wanna have that meat too" said luffy and then dadan proceed to taunt luffy by pretending to let luffy have a bite with she quickly pull it away from lufy before he get a bite "these are all from a bison Ace caughted!"

'wait that was not a boar?' I thought to myself dumbfounded, Dadan countiune to say "He gave us a cut of the take so everyone can eat, the mountain bandits world is rough sailing, you are gonna have to work pretty hard from tomorrow!, cleaning, laundry, polishing shoes and weapons, burglary, robbery, fraud and murder! Remember, you can't tell Garp what we make you do!" I stare at dadan with  'don't make him do something like that' which she doesn't notice,

"one bowl of rice and one glass of water for a day! That all I can guarantee for you, you gotta get everything else by yourself and grow up on your own" As she finish speaking, luffy reply "Alright!" With a blank face

" 'alright' why don't you cry or something?" Said dadan, also me just listening and taking a sippy sip from my water not reacting any kind of emotion, luffy then said "I'm fine because grandpa threw me into a jungle once and there was water to drink, earthworms and frogs, snakes and mushroom to eat in the forest!" Said luffy in cheerful tone, 'honestly... The D family always somehow survive in a very impossible situation- oh wait I do have situation like that maybe I'm not that normal afterall...' I thought to myself

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