Chapter 4 - Artemis Brings Migrane

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Entry #3

I just came back from the gods' weekly meeting. Boring as always. Artemis told me her Hunters were coming to Camp, which means:

-No flirt with them

-Drive them to and off Camp

-Keep the campers in line (boys and Aphrodite girls, especially)

My investigation about Will will have to wait for now...

Apollo sighed before closing the journal and heading to Chiron's office and knock on it.

"C'mon in" Chiron's muffled reply was heard before Apollo opened the door. The old centaur was sitting in his mortal form, behind a desk and writing in some papers "Lord-"

"Cut the pleasantries, Chiron..." Apollo cut him, playfully "You're older than me, not to mention you're like my Uncle..." he stated, sitting in the seats across Chiron's desk.

"I learn the good way some people reward curtesy with no tantrums or incineration" Chiron joked back, looking back into his papers.

"We're no people" Apollo argued, fidgeting his legs.

"Is there anything I can do...?"

"Oh, yes!" Apollo remembered the reason why he was there in the first place "Artemis told me her Hunters are gonna come, so I'll be picking them up"

"Oh, joy... The campers would be, um... thrilled" Chiron finished, unconvinced. Apollo rolled his eyes.

"Not in the slightest" he recognized, getting up from his chair "Well, I'm gonna get going. Warn the campers and try that they don't kill each other while I come back..."

"Can't make promises I can't keep..." Chiron warned him, with a smirk. Apollo chuckled before leaving the office and flashing outside Camp.


When Apollo returned to Camp with his precious convertible turned into a school bus and thirty Hunters in the back of it, all of them talking about how 'idiotic boys were', he was glad to actually drop the Hunters off. The insisting chatting was driving him crazy!

"OK, girls! We're here!" he announced, opening the door of his bus. Around the bus, campers were gathering around, curious on why a magic flying bus was stopping in the middle of the volleyball field (luckily, the usual game was suspended). The Hunters got down without saying a word, for exception of Thalia Grace, who mumbled a low 'thank you', after she managed to detached herself from her seat.

"The Hunters?! What are they doing here?!" a girl complained outside the bus, probably, ready to launch to the Hunters.

"Like it was our choice to come here" one Hunter spatted back. That started a mini chaos, where campers and Hunters had to restrain themselves to not kill each other.

"I give a crab's behind if you like it or not, if you decided or not" Apollo broke the fight, raising his voice. The campers shushed immediately, but the Hunters were wary in keep it quiet before Thalia glared at them. Only then, they shut up "I don't know how long they're staying, but expect everyone to behave, understood?" Apollo searched the crowd, watching the campers nods and mumbles in agreement "Also, I don't want to hear things like 'the Hunters are convincing the little girls to join the Hunt'" he added, looking at the Hunters, who looked like deers in headlights "If I find out that you're convincing campers younger than 10 years old, you'll be dealing with me" Apollo turned around from the crowd and started to walk to Big House. On his way, his eyes crossed Will's, who was standing outside the crowd and listened to every word he said. Will gave his father a nod before continuing his way, leaving Apollo happy with himself.


Around dinner time, Apollo had heard more of a dozen complains from both campers and Hunters.

The campers claimed the Hunters made traps to capture boys and torture them, along to talk to some little girls with the 'cooties' excuse, so they'll join the Hunt.

The Hunter, however, said they were ambushed by some Hermes' kids and pranked.

He didn't want to hear it anymore. He was tired, exhausted and frustrated. He left Big House to take a walk, maybe that way he would relax. In his walk around the lake, he saw Will, sitting in the sand, smiling at someone who wasn't at view, because a rock covered Apollo's line of sight.

"Wow, you make nice sand castles, Aria" Apollo smirked at the mention of her six-years-old daughter, who was having fun with her brother.

"Thanks, Willy!" Aria's cheery little voice beamed at him. Apollo walked closer to them, but kept his distance, in a very unconscious way. He's been doing that for so many eons that it comes natural to him "Willy?"

"Yes, Ari?" Will brushed the sand off his hand and looked at her.

"The girls who came today..." Aria started, catching Apollo's attention "...are they gonna take me away from you?"

"What?! No, Ari" Will promised her after a little shock. Apollo was in a shock himself. How dare those Hunters!! "You're gonna stay with me till the end of times!" Will joked, making Aria smile.

"They agreed with me. Boys have cooties" Aria explained, serious. Will rolls his eyes and shook his head.

"Aria, I have cooties?" Aria looked at Will a moment before shaking her head "And, I'm a boy, right?"

"Oh..." Aria gasped, catching up quickly in what Will was trying to explain to her "When can we meet your Mom, Will?" Will froze at those words, his eyes between the shock and the rage, but coming to the conclusion Aria wasn't responsible for it. Apollo noticed this change of humor, paying even more attention to the answer.

"Someday, you guys will" Will made a forced smile that Aria didn't notice, who was busy playing with her sand castle.

Entry #4

Hunters arrived to CHB. Already giving everyone a migrane.

The investigation with Will had progress:

-It has to do with Will's mom

New interrogates:

-Will sneak out to see her?

-Is she in a good health state?

-Is someone taking a good care of her?

-Why is Will so grim every time someone bring that up?

Improvements about myself:

-Didn't allow younger of 10 to join the Hunt

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