Chapter 10 - Nemesis Is Only Fair

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Apollo never really understood why Nemesis always made a fuss over what mortals thought she represented.

"I represent the balance! Not revenge!" she would complain, everytime the subject came up "Though, I agree that those who made wrong, should be punished... But, what's fair, fair"

Apollo never got involved in those arguments with her, because the only time he got revenge, he got punished into building up the fort of Troy.

But this time... This time was different.

Will was forced into an activity that he didn't want to take part of. He probably had nightmares, torturing himself if the guys he was forced to pull the trigger on were innocent. If those people had families. Kids. Parents. Loving relatives.

Will was punished for the mistakes of a selfish, arrogant and hunger power man. Will was tortured for taking a stand for himself. Will was slowly dying inside because he was doing despicable things for the health of one. His mother. The woman who protected him and raised him when him, his father, couldn't be around.

Apollo was in need to pay the favor back.


Apollo flashed into the middle of a crowded New York City, trying to blend in with it. But, his murderous look on him was enough to scare the people away from him. Ignoring the stares and glares, he started to walk towards Will's house. Well, he couldn't actually call it a house. It was an apartment on the West Side of town, enough for three people to live in it. OK, let's correct it: only one person lived in that dumpster. Apollo recognized it the second he stepped into the building, though the guy couldn't see him.

It was a middle age man, five/seven years older than Will's Mom, make him in his early forties. He wasn't like other man in that age, because he looked like he worked out. His muscles showed off several tattoos on his arms and back. He noticed that the tattoos stopped in places where could be visibles, like the beginning of the neckline or the middle of his arm, pretty easy to hide with a simple T-shirt. He smelled like beer and pure cigars and he was wearing only boxers, which led Apollo to two conclutions:

Either the man was a lazy stupid one, which gained muscles by steroids, and slept till two in the afternoon.

Or, he was cheating on Will's Mom.

Deciding to be more subtle, Apollo changed his appearance into Will. Taking a deep breath, he walked into the house, where the smell of pure cigars filled his nose and almost make him puke. Coughing he caught the man's eye, who was frowning instantly.

"What are you doing here?" the man spatted at him, looking up and down to him.

"Winter Break's over" Apollo pointed out, trying not to cry his eyes out over the smell. The man groaned.

"Which means I have to deal with you till April!" he complained "Don't worry, you'll be very busy till then..."

"I wanna see Nao- I mean, Mom" Apollo almost lost his grip, mentioning Will's Mom's name. The man narrowed his eyes and gripped his chin, forcing him to look at him.

"You know the deal, brat. You'll see her when you finish the jobs" He let go of her chin and turned around.

"But, I wanna see her now!" Apollo demanded. Sure, it was a little uncharacteristic of Will, but it was justified. The man glanced at him and chuckled, shaking his head.

"You have courage, brat" Suddenly, Apollo felt his cheek sting and he was on the floor. The man had slapped him, knocking him off almost cold "But, if you want Mommy dear to live, you'll do what I tell you. Clear?" Apollo stayed quiet, not whimpering, not growling. The sting hadn't hurt that much. But, he just stared at the man "Clear?" he repeated, taking a few steps closer to him, trying to be intimidating. Apollo wasn't, not even a bit.

"Crystal" he muttered, clenching his teeth. He tried to give out the impression he was Will, holding back his anger.

"Good boy" the man smirked and patted his head, like he was a dog, before walking back to his the main room. Apollo was sure Will refused to call it 'his room', because that would just simply mean that his Mom had it. He had to do something. And fast.


Trying to make the less noise possible, Apollo began to search between the documents around the house, trying to find something that could be linked to one of his working partners and don't look like a random assasination. This man's death didn't deserve to be investigated. After digging a bit, he found some threats directed to the man, claiming 'his last job was sloppy and poorly executed, resulting of the target still being alive and working with the feds and the NYPD to destroy their organization'. The threat concluded with a 'if you don't kill it by the end of Winter Break, we're coming to get you and your little son'.

Apollo was outraged by many things, but what was more indignant was that Will's safety was on the line. He checked the calendar that hung on the wall, marking the end of Winter Break. Which means that the target, whoever it was, was still alive and the threat was gonna be fulfill.

Not caring if he did noise this time, he burned up all the papers to ashes (pays up to be the Sun God), before walking to the main room, where the man was sleeping away. More like snoring away. He wanted to kill him quickly, painless. But remembered Will's scars.

He was gonna suffer.

"Wake up!" he ordered, making the man to jump awake.

"Who the Hell are you?! And how did you broke into my home?!" the man grabbed a gun from his nightstand and pointed at him.

"I'm the person who's gonna make you pay all the cruelties you did to Naomi and Will" he vowed, melting the gun in his hands. Out of nowhere, the man was tied up in his own bed and Apollo was lashing him out with a whip. The man didn't scream at first, but that only angrier Apollo more. Lash after lash, the man lost his courage and started to beg for mercy.

"I can change!!" he cried, while Apollo walked closer to his head "Have mercy..."

"Hope Hades has... Because I won't" With those words, Apollo snapped his neck and flashed out of the apartment.

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