Chapter 5 - Hephaestus Isn't Easy To Break

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Entry #5

The Hunters are still in Camp. Chaos everywhere.

Today's Will visit to the Infirmary. I'm gonna be there. Austin will examine him.

Goals today:

-Get the truth out of his Hephaestus' best friend

Apollo closed the journal, determined. Today, he was gonna try (try being the key word) to get the information out of Jake Mason. He, apparently, knew all what was happening with Will. And he wanted to know as well. Walking to the Infimary, Apollo saw Mason heading to the Arts and Crafts space. He'd caught him later there.

"OK, Will... Let's start, shall we?" Apollo heard Austin's voice just when he walked in. Will was sat in a bed, his feet on the ground, while Austin was kneeled in front of him, moving his ankle with his hands.

"Auch, Austin!" Will complained, gritting his teeth. Apollo leaned over the Infirmary's door, not being park of the action, but not intruding either.

"Sorry, Will..." Austin apologized and, whatever he was doing, he did it slower. But Will didn't stop clenching his teeth "Will, you have to say something..." Austin reminded him, when he looked up.

"Sorry" It was Will's turn to apologize "I'm used to be on the other side..." he recognized, chuckling. Austin chuckled as well, but Apollo found that answer a little suspicious.

"You don't have to play the 'Hero', you know that?" Austin chuckled, but missed Will's somber grin. It was a few seconds and Apollo was glad he was observing, because Will suddenly was smirking at his brother.

"Aren't we here for that?" he asked, jokingly.

"Touché, bro" Austin gave up, laughing.


Right after Austin finished to revise Will, Apollo left the Infirmary to head to Arts and Crafts. But it was empty. Jake Mason either, saw him coming and left or he left a long time before and didn't have a clue he was looking for him. Apollo decided to try luck in Cabin 9, knocking the door. But the only one who opened the door was Nyssa.

"Lord Apollo" Nyssa was shocked to say the least. She still remembered the days were Mr. D called the campers 'brats'.

"Hello, Nyssa" Apollo congratulated himself when he saw the girl answer to her name. He was working on knowing every single camper, because he was very forgetful about names (Artemis claims that he was the vivid image of what mortal women call 'player': the one who gets the girl, forgets or mistakes the names and doesn't care)

"What can I do for you?" she asked, curious about his presence.

"I'm looking for Jake Mason. You know where he is?" Apollo saw Nyssa thinking, while scratching her head.

"Last time I saw him, he was at the Forge" she replies, not really sure. Apollo nodded and walked to the Forge. Like Nyssa said, Jake was slamming a hammer over a piece of metal. And by the looks of it, he was forging a sword.

"Jake Mason!!" Apollo scolded himself after saying his full name. Jake turned around, holding the hammer over his head, in an attack position, glaring at his oponent.

"Who- Oh, Lord Apollo!!" Jake quickly lowered his hammer, a little embarrassed "Wh- what are you doing here?" he stammered a little, nervous.

"Relax, Jake. You're not in troubles" Apollo assured him "Are you alone on here?" Jake took a look around before nodding "Good, because I need to ask you a few questions-"

"If this is about the dancing water found with music and 3D images, Harley took the project" Jake blurted out. By the looks of it, he was really nervous.

"What? No!" Apollo shook his head, though he was interest "Wait, dancing water found with music and 3D images?" he wondered, curious.

"Yeah, it was a, um, project..." Jake admitted, scratching his head "Char- I mean, Beckendorf started it, so... we wanted to finish it"

"Oh" Apollo gasped "Well, sounds like a nice project"

"Thank you, sir" Jake thanked him "Is, um, anything I can do for you?"

"Well, you're the closest one to Will, so I was wondering if you could tell me what's going on" Apollo was straight forward. He wanted answers and he wanted them now.

Jake paled. This wasn't what he planned when he got up this morning. He promised to never tell Will's secret and he planned on kept that promise. He just never imagined that his father will be asking about it.

"About what?" Jake tried to win some time, to think of a convincing lie.

"About why he was out of Camp" Apollo emphasized, raising an eyebrow.

"I honestly don't know" Jake confessed. At least that part was true...

"You know where he got those scars?"

"I don't know"

"Why does he evades to talk about it"

"I don't know"

"Are you a broken record?"

"I sound like one, don't I, sir?" Jake managed to reply without fear. Apollo narrowed his eyes at him, but he kept quiet.

"If you two are keeping a secret from me, you better start talking" he threaten Jake, who visibly shrunk.

"Don't you think you should ask him?" Jake mumbled, the big drop of sweat falling from his forehead. Apollo stopped in his tracks and stepped back. He was right. But Will was a tough nut to crack.

"I'll... consider it" Apollo lied. It was obvious Will won't openly talk about what happened, so either he tricks him or gets his information somewhere else.

Entry #6

Will went to the Infirmary. He held back the pain. Something is not right.

New interrogates:

-Did someone tortured him?

-Was he obliged to something?

-Did he suffered a lot?

Talked to Jake Mason. Was a dead end. Loyal to the core.

Improvements about myself:

-Remembered the names of a few campers


My apologies for not delivering the chapter when it was due, but yesterday was a complicated day for me, starting that I ABSOLUTELY forgot about posting the chapter and, when I did, I was without electricity and no wifi to hang on. It's been like that since 4pm yesterday and it was so serious the fireman came to cut the electricity of my neighbor (picture above. BTW, I'm at my Chinese lesson this morning, using the wifi of the instuitute, while my iPad and iPhone are recharged batteries in front of me!) So, I apologize for not being able to read/reply to your comments or reviews... I surely hope that when I get home, this situation is normalized.

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