Chapter 12 - Hestia Loves Bonfires

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Entry #14

It's been two weeks since I found out about Will's secret.

It's been two weeks since I cured Naomi's illness.

It's been two weeks since I got rid of Will's stepfather.

It's been two weeks since I wrote in this journal.

This would probably the last entry I make.

Apollo closed the journal, with a smile in his face, while watching Will saying goodbye to his mother. Apollo let Will and Nico spent the last two weeks with Naomi, so that they could recovery the lost time.

"I can't believe you're fifteen already..." Naomi complained to herself, while staring at Will one last time.

"Mom..." Will groaned, obviously not enjoying being embarrassed in front of Nico. Nico chuckled at the scene, though he was a little jealous of this display of emotions.

"Now, shush, young man" she scolded him, playfully. Nico muffled a laugh when Will blushed "And, you Nico..."

"Um..." Nico was taken by surprise by her interest in him.

"Promise me you'll look after him in Camp?" she requested to him, trying not to launch at him in a hug.

"Well, I do owe him, so..." Nico hesitated, scratching his neck.

"No, Nico" Naomi stopped him, serious "Don't do it because I ask you or because you owe him. Do it because you want to" Nico stared at her for a moment, before smiling at her.

"Yes, I'd do it" Nico agreed, nodding at her. Naomi nodded back "Thanks for everything, Mrs. Sola- I mean, Naomi"

"Not a problem, Nico... You're already part of the family"

"Wow, wow, wow, wow!!" Apollo butted in, waving his arms around "Now, I respect this kid a lot, but not even dead I'll consider him my son!" he argued, scandalized.

"Apollo!" Naomi growled at him. Will was surprised that his father, the god of Archery and the Sun, was flinching away from his mother, a simple mortal that has a degree in music teaching "Nico, whether you like it or not, he is family"

"Yeah, yeah..." Apollo rolled his eyes "I didn't remember you this mushy"

"I did remembered you had no patient" Naomi laughed at him.

"Speaking of that..." Apollo gestured with his head to his car "We need to go! C'mon, boys!"

"Coming, Dad!" Will reassured him, hugging his mother for a last time "Bye, Mom... I'll miss you..."

"I'll miss you too, baby boy..." Naomi whispered in his ear, rubbing his back. Will leaned back and wiped his tears.

"Are you crying, Will?" Nico chuckled at his friend, who pushed his shoulder, gently.

"So, what?" Nico raised his hands in defence, a smirk playing in his lips "Let's go before Dad has an attack" he squeezed his mother one last time, before heading to the car.


Knock, knock!

"C'mon in!" Apollo called, while playing with his guitar, making random notes and stuff. Will peaked his head over, with a smile.

"Can I come in?" he asked, smirking. Apollo rolled his eyes and nodded at him. Will walked in a closed the door "I know what you did"

"Of course you know what I did" Apollo recognized, thinking Will was talking about his mother's illness "What other explanation is?"

"That the mobsters did it?" Will sat in front of his father, who was frowning. But, inside, Apollo was freaking out. How did Will found out about that?! "By your expression, you're thinking how do I know"

"I don't know what are you talking about" Apollo lied, playing cool. Will smirked again.

"Nico ratted you out, Dad" Will explained. Apollo rolled his eyes and groaned "And, not because you told him"

"I'm sure I didn't sleep, so... how?!"

"He visited the Underworld" Apollo gaped at Will. How did he forget about that detail "He told the judges to give him the ultimate punishment"

"Good. Because he deserves it" Apollo gritted his teeth, and clenching his fists.

"I also saw that you cleaned the apartment" Will leaned in his seat, thinking "Mom thought it was me, but I told her no. I asked Nico and then, I came to the conclusion it was you"

"You can't prove it" Apollo blurted out, getting worry about what could happen.

"I won't say a word" Will promised, smiling "Thanks, Dad" he got up and left the office, leaving Apollo proud and baffled.


"Alright!! Let's celebrate this dull night!!" Apollo shouted through the microphone at the bonfire after dinner that night. The number of campers weren't the same ones of Winter Break, but were enough for Apollo to make a bonfire.

"Please, not a karaoke night" Nico mumbled to himself, while sitting down next to the bonfire.

"Don't be so dull, Neeks" Will joked with him, sitting down with him "Unless it's you, I say you enjoy tonight..." When Nico showed Will a pale face, only then Will figured he was terrified of stage fright "Wait, you have stage fright?"

"Why you sound so surprise?" Nico shrugged "I'm not a people person"

"I can help you with that..." Will suggested, smirking.

"I'm not singing" Nico warned him.

"No... You're gonna talk to people" Will threaten Nico with a smile. Nico rolled his eyes to his head and passed out. Will couldn't help but laugh after checking his friend "Drama king..." he whispered, holding his hand in his.

Apollo shared a look with Will when he looked at him.

With friends and family like ours, Will was very wise and lucky for not chasing the dark...

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