Chapter 3

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TW: swearing, blood, abuse


Varian sits in his chair on his desk between his notes and papers when suddenly the door opens behind him. The boy turns around to see Rapunzel and Eugene in the dorrway.

"Oh- Hey princess! Hey Eugene! What can I help you with?" Varian greets the two.

"We just wanted to check on you to see if you are done with the scroll yet." Eugene said a little annoyed.

"Uhm- n-no not yet I-I can't find the last incantation" Varian looked on the ground ashamed.

"Ugh Vraian! You have one single thing we asked you to do and you can't even do that! You are such a disappointment!" Rapunzel screamed at him.

"I-I'm sorry I'm-I'm trying I swear!" tears started to form in Varians eyes.

"Well you are not trying hard enough you stupid child!" Eugene chimed in.

The two adults approach the boy who is covering his ears and shutting his eyes as tight as he possibly could.

"S-Stop it please! I'm-I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The teen starts sobbing and crying. Eugen takes Varians arm and rips his hand off his ears. "listen to me when I'm talking!" Eugene shouts and swings at Varian.

Right before Eugene's fist could hit Varians face he wakes up in a cold sweat. His breathing is short and uneven.

"Calm down Varian... It was just a dream..." he tries to convince himself as the voice appears again.

"Don't be silly. If you don't hurry with that scroll they are going to hate you forever."

Varian hurrys into his lab and continues to work on the decoding of the Demanitus Scroll.


"I can't do this!" Varian says angrily punching the wall. Frustrated he stands up and leaves the house to go on a walk in the forest. Why in the forest? There is nobody to hate on him. Or so he thought.

As he was walking mindlessly through the woods he accidentally bumped into a probably 19 year old boy. "Sorry" he mutters and keeps walking but the boy grabs his wrist.

"Where do you think you're going, freak?!" the older boy says pushing Varian to the ground.

"I said I was sorry!" Varian says getting up.

"What the fuck do I do with that?! Oh you said sorry, I don't fucking care!" the older says punching Varian straight in the nose which starts bleeding immediately.

Varian panics and tries to run away but the older boy grabs him by the hair and throws him into a tree. Black dots start appearing in Varians vision but he tries to fight for consciousness.

The older boy starts kicking Varian, who is laying on the ground, in the stomach and chest until he starts to spit a small puddle of blood. With one final kick in the head the boy leaves, leaving Varian unconscious in the woods.


A/N I couuuuld end the chapter here but I feel like 500 words aren't enough so no cliffhanger for now


Varian wakes up groaning in pain. "What happened?" he thinks slowly getting up. In a quick second the memories from the day prior get back to him and tears start forming in Varians eyes. He swallows the tears down and makes his way back home leaning against various trees.

With his injuries and the amount of pain the boy is in it takes him hours to even get out of the woods. Finally when he made it to old Corona he limps through the village ignoring the whispers around him just trying to get home.

When he finally enters his house he makes his way upstairs as the voice stops him.

"what are you doing?"

"I-I'm going to b-bed"

The voice giggles "haven't you slept enough back there? You have to get back to work or do you want to disappoint everyone again?" the voice taunts.

Varian sighs turning around to go to his lab. His vision is blurry and so he trips and falls down the stairs to the basement landing in his lab.

"Why can't I do anything right?" Varian says pushing to his feet. He stumbles over to his desk sitting down in his chair. Suddenly there is a stabbing pain in his chest and he starts coughing.

He bends over in pain wrapping his arms around his chest coughing endlessly. After a few minutes of coughing he feels a warm liquid dripping down his mouth right on his desk. As soon as he sees the small puddle of crimson blood he passes out.

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