Chapter 4

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TW: Sh, swearing, blood


Varian wakes up with a throbbing head. He gets up to get a rag to clean up the blood from his desk. Then he goes upstairs to get a cup of water for his sore throat. Finally he gets a bag of ice to lay on his black eye he got when he collided with the tree yesterday.

After he's done taking care of himself he sits back down in front of the scroll to continue with the decoding.


"Finally! I got it!" he shouts happily. "I've finally found the fourth incantation!" he grabs the scroll and the key he made and rushes to the castle.

After a few hours of traveling (still being quite slow since he is badly injured) he reaches the castle. He runs inside to finde Rapunzel.

"Princess! I've found it!" he says as he enters her room. "I found the final incantation!" Varian finally stops to catch his breath and starts coughing again as the pain in his chest returned.

"Varian!" the princess exlames as she rushes to the boy who is sitting on the ground writhing in pain. "what happened to you?" she asks worriedly putting a hand on his back.

Varian takes a few shacky breaths and tries to form an awnser "I-I've found the... Last incantation" he wheezes a little in between the words. "Here" he gives her the scroll and the key.

Rapunzel still looks at him "That's great Varian but are you alright?"

"Yeah wh-why wouldn't I b-be?" he asks shakily

"Because you are pale as a sheet have a black eye and just had a caughing fit" the princess says worry clear in her voice.

"Oh uh yeah no I'm fine... I just uh tripted and hit my face against a post" he laughs nervously. The boy stands up on shaky legs and looks at the blonde. "But-but I decoded the scroll. Aren't you proud of me?" he asks hopfelly but the princess only gives him a skeptical look.

"Varian you have to take better care of yourself."

"you disappointed her again you moron" the voice starts taunting again.

"Oh uh yeah. I-I gotta go" he quickly turns around and runs out the door.

"Varian wait! I didn't mean to upset you!" Rapunzel shouts after him but he isn't listening anymore.

Varian crys the whole painfully long way back to old Corona as the voice talks down on him.

"You can't do anything right, can you?"

"Noone would care if you would just never come back home"

"Everybody hates you"

Varian stumbles into his room ignoring his dad who was greeting him and just collapsed on the floor crying as his eyes land on the box cutter laying on his desk.

"Come on idiot, just do it"

"That's what they want you to do"

He hesitantly gets up, takes off his left glove and takes the box cutter in his right hand. He carefully slides out the blade and presses it to his left forearm.

"what are you waiting for?"

"just do it!"

"that's what you deserve!"

"Do it!"

"Do it!"

"Do it!"

He closes his eyes and draws a line on his wrist. It stings a little at first but it somehow feels... Good.

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