Chapter 9

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TW: swearing, blood


Varian wakes up with a throbbing head pain present everywhere in his body. Groaning he gets up to look at himself in the mirror and he is horrified by the sight. His face and hair is full of blood coming from an open wound on his forehead. Blood is also dripping from is oddly angled nose that is most definitely broken and he has both eyes swollen with blue marks forming around them.

"This can't go on" he mumbles and sits down on his desk to create an escape plan. He is gonna wait until the sun goes down and most Villagers are asleep or in their houses. Then he is gonna sneak out of the house and run. He would run to the castle as fast as he could and try not to cross the path with anyone in his village because they are most likely going to drag him back home to his father.

Varian packs a small bag of clothes and everything he could find in his room that he could possibly need. After he's done that he sits on his bed waiting for the night to come, praying that his father wouldn't come to beat him up again.

A few hours after the sun has set Varian slowly gets up from his bed grabbing the bag he packed and walking to the door. He takes a few deep breaths before pushing the door handle down to open the door but it turns out that Quirin locked the door when he left. "shit" Varian thinks and searches for another exit. His eyes land on the window a few feet away from him. Determined to escape he opens the window and looks down. He gulps when he sees the height but climbs on the windowsill nonetheless.

"you can do this Varian. You have to get out of here." he convinces himself. And finally after a few moments he jumps out landing on his feet hearing a loud crack coming from one of his legs.

Varian crys out in pain but quickly covers his mouth and tells himself to push trough the pain until he is out of old Corona and so he limbs away as fast as he could when suddenly a door opens behind him.

Varian doesn't even look back knowing that it would be his end if he would. He runs as quick as he possibly could despite his body screaming in pain but to no avail. Angry footsteps come closer and closer until they are right behind him.

"He-!" Varian tries to cry for help but a hand covering his mouth stops him from doing so. An arm wraps around the boys chest and arms and lifts him up. "What do you think you were doing?" a deep voice growls behind him.

Quirin drags his crying son back inside the house throwing him into a dark storage room locking the door. Varian sits in the small dark room bawling his eyes out pleading for anyone to find him. He hammers against the door hoping that his father would have mercy with him but 'mercy' seems to be a word his father doesn't know.

Varian sits leaning against the wall crying until he passes out from exhaustion.


Ruddiger first ran through the village of old Cronoa to try and get anyone to follow him and help Varian but nobody ever looked at him so he decided to try and find the castle. He's never made his way to the castle alone since he was always with Varian so it took him quite a while to get to his destination.

After about two or three days the injured animal finally made it to the castle and tried to get past the guards on the entrance but they wouldn't let him through.

Luckily Eugene walked out of the entrance and saw the racoon sitting there patiently. "Hey Ruddiger. What are you doing here?" he kneels down to the animal and notices that he has an injured leg "buddy what happened to your leg? Come on let's get you patched up" Eugene grabs the animal and brings him inside where he is taken care of.

"Hey Eugene! What are you doing in here?" Rapunzel comes into the room kissing her boyfriend. "Ruddiger showed up here with an injured leg so I got him all patched up" he holds up the racoon and Rapunzel pets his head before she suddenly stops.

"Wait a minute. Ruddiger showed up here?" Eugene nods "Alone?" Eugene nods again "You are telling me Ruddiger came all the way here from old Corona alone with an injured leg?" Eugene nods again when it finally clicks "Varian..." he mumbles.

"Hey Ruddiger, do you know where Varian is?" Rapunzel asks the racoon and he quickly jumps out of Eugene's arms und make his way out of the castle waiting for both of them. "You get the horses and I get some supplies. And tell Pete and Stan to come with us, we'll maybe need some help." Rapunzel says as she runs out of the room.

Soon Rapunzel, Eugene, Pete, Stan, Ruddiger, Pascal, Max and fidella (and two other random horses) are on their ways to old corona hoping that Varian is alright.

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