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Sunday 10:01am
It's the next day, Adrea just gave me a call asking if I'd want to her house, but I refused not to.

I told her I'm not feeling that well, I think I catch the flu. She said maybe she could come and visit me instead but I said no, I'm afraid she could get sick.

So today, I'm spending the whole day researching about vampire.

No one's home today they all went out for the hunting, dad talks about the newbie just appeared in town out of nowhere.

I heard the door bell ring, I run to the front door and see a package wrapped in purple placed right in front of the doorway.

I brought it inside, I was about to leave it on the kitchen island but the purple tag on it caught my eyes, I flipped it and saw a letter also my name was on it.

Dear Violet,
I just heard from Adreana that you are ill, hope you feel better soon. Wish you comfort, care and speedy recovery. Please take care of yourself;) -W.V

I was shocked, really shock. "W.V? Wilhemina Venable" I whispered to myself, blushing. She cared about me!???

I carried the box up to my room and do a little unboxing, Doritos, Lays, m&m, skittles and a bunch of chocolate. A tiny bottle is carefully wrapped with a letter on it, "drink this it will help", the dark red liquid is in it, I thought it would smell bad but turned out it smells like some kind of berries mixed together, I swallowed it.

I took the letter and hide it in my closet, placed the box of snack on the couch and continue with my vampire session.

The day went by so peaceful until I heard screaming from downstairs, "FUCK, WHAT SHOULD WE DO WHAT SHOULD WE CALL 911?? MOM!!" I HEARD Ethan screamed, "ETHAN BRING YOUR DAD TO THE COUCH, ARMA BRING ME WARM WATER AND THE VERVAIN" I speed my way down and see dad laying in the living, "oh my god what happened to him???" his white t-shirt was covered in blood, "one of the fucking newbie attacked him" Arma says, bringing mom the vervain water, "here take this" mom handed dad the vervain, he took it.

"Is he gonna be alright?? Dad are you fine?" I mean I'm kinda dumb for asking a person whose blood is draining out his bloody if he fine, "yeah I think" Ethan says, "you think?" I can't with this dumbfuck, "enough let your dad rest, you two get back to your room" mom glance at us, we went back into our own room.

slowly slipping under her spell...

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