006 | Starting Chemotherapy

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It was soon Friday, I was dreading the day but that is mostly becuase I was starting Chemo today and if it's like anything I've experienced in the past I'm going to be sick, worse than before. Amelia has spent the days with me, today we're starting Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, we had already watched the first 3 films. Meredith was working today but she had organised someone to cover her while I get my PICC line put in, we've found out that is the best way for me to have chemo since I hate having to have nurses stab me with needles every time. Amelia was currently with me since Meredith had to pop to the daycare and I was panicking. I'm a doctor I should panic about having something so simple done.

"Where's Mer! I can't have this done without her" I said grabbing hold of Amelia's hand to try and calm myself down, I wouldn't have grabbed hers if Meredith was here.

"She'll be here soon Belle' and I'm not leaving you until she gets back, then when you are back here we can watch our next film, or you could try and teach me to crochet. It's all up to you" Amelia said in a soft tone to me.

"God why am I being like this. I'm a doctor for crying out loud" I exclaimed while Amelia gently brushed her thumb over the back of my hand to comfort me.

"Right we will take you up to have your PICC line inserted now" Holly the nurse who works with Barbara said to me and I looked over to Amelia; Meredith wasn't back yet. Holly was also Barbara's daughter and is 2 years older than me but we have happened to be friends, mostly becuase when I was 15 Barbara introduced us and well we had been friends since that.

"I'll phone her while we head up, like I promised I won't leave you" Amelia said kindly and I nodded slowly.

"Would you like to stay in bed or go in a chair?" Holly asked me.

"Chair please Holly" I smiled.

"You know I would have sat with you if you wanted. If you wanted to give your friend here a break" Holly said getting the chair which Amelia had parked in my room the other day.

"I know, I actually didn't know you were back in Seattle, your mom didn't say" I said to the blonde haired woman.

"I got back Sunday, my dad wanted me to stay in England longer but I have a job here and couldn't leave Seattle. It's my home" Smiled Holly as I sat down. Amelia was going to follow closely behind while she phoned Meredith.

"I'm here!! I'm sorry, Zola was crying and the staff couldn't calm her down" Meredith said running towards me, Amelia and Holly.

"It's fine. Amelia has been amazing with me and Look who's here. It's Holly" I grinned happily.

"Oh Amelia about what we should do when I'm back, I'll teach you to crochet. My house keys are in the room, you know where I put them. You can go to mine and pick up whatever from my box. The lilac pencil case has all my hooks, scissors, stitch markers and all that in, that should be on my bedside table. All the yarns are either on a shelf or in a box, and I think that's it. Just pick out any yarns." I smiled to Amelia, I trusted her to go to mine.

"And which rooms yours, I don't think Alex and Arizona would like me walking into their rooms to look for your stuff" Amelia laughed and I nodded. Arizona was moving out in a few months as she had found her own place but that wasn't yet

"Up the stairs, end of the hall on the right, should be easy to find. Should have a rainbow on the door from when I was little" I said to Amelia who smiled.

"Is their anything else you'd like while I'm at yours?" Amelia asked

"I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I have everything I need, thank you for asking though" I smiled to Amelia

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