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The day was young and the sky was clear. The songs of the birds overhead could be heard, as they flew by on their way to where ever the fates would lead them. Below, Xena sat resting up against a tree with the gentle smile on her face. As she watched Gabrielle while she peacefully slept beside her. Just enjoying the calm of the moment. She reached over and gently brushed Gabrielle's hair. Gabrielle sleepily opened her eyes and smiled, seeing Xena.
Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.

Gabrielle sat up.
It's okay. I can think of worse things to wake up to

Xena smiled, giving Gabrielle a soft kiss on her forehead as she stood up.
Since you're up, we might as well get moving.
Get up and get going huh.
(joking tone) Well if you wanna stay here all day, I could always come back for you later.

Gabrielle got to her feet.

They packed up camp and headed out. The two of them traveled along until they came to a small village. As they were riding by one of the villagers came out from the village gate, and ran up to them.
You're Xena right.
Thank the gods your here.
What's going on?

The villager explained that his village was about to be attacked and all of their guards and fighters had mysteriously disappeared.
Any idea where they could have gone?
No. A few days ago they just vanished without a trace. We sent a search party to find them. But they came back with nothing.

Gabrielle looked at Xena.
What do you wanna do Xena?
First we set up defenses around the village. Then Gabrielle, you'll stay here and help defend with the villagers.
What are you gonna do?
I'm gonna go find the villagers that went missing.
Do you think the two are connected?
Not sure. But I wouldn't be surprised.

With that Xena and Gabrielle entered the village and got to work, getting the village ready to defend against the raiders that would soon be upon them. When the preparations were just about complete, Xena made her way to the village gate to go look for the missing villagers. Gabrielle followed to see her off.
I told the villagers you're in command and to follow your lead.
Okay, I'll take care of things here.
Stay safe, I'll be back soon.

Xena gave Gabrielle a light kiss. Then she turned and set off to find the villagers. Gabrielle watched for a bit as Xena rode away. Then she got back to work helping the villagers get ready for the attack. Xena rode along, looking for any clues that could lead her to the missing villagers. Or what could have happened to them. During her search, Xena came across a cave. As she got closer, she could hear voices coming from inside. Xena got down from her horse and cautiously entered the cave. She made her way through the cave, following the sound of the voices. Then up ahead she saw light coming from behind a curtain. Xena crept up and peered behind the curtain. Looking in, she saw a group of cloaked people. They appeared to be some sort of occult. As she continued scouting, Xena spotted the villagers she was looking for. She could tell things were not going to end well for them if she didn't intervene. But before she had the chance to come up with a plan, one of the cloaked people walked over to the cell holding the frightened villagers. They dragged one of the villagers out forced them onto an ulter. The cultists began doing some sort of chant. With a sience of urgency Xena jumped into action. She threw her chakrum, striking the ulter. Causing a distraction. And disrupting their ritual. Then Xena let out her battle cry as she lept into the room. She landed beside the ulter, catching her chakrum as it ricocheted back to her. The cultists turned towards Xena.
What is this? What are you doing here?
You took some people from a nearby village. I'm here to take them back.
Sorry, but we have plans for these people. So we'll just be keeping them. And now that you've discovered us. I'm afraid you'll be joining them.

Xena drew her sword.
Thanks for the invitation, but I think I'll pass.
Oh my dear, you don't have a choice.

The cultists leader motioned, sending his people to attack Xena. Xena began fighting them off. As she fought she got to the holding cell and got the door open. She told the villagers to flee. They ran out of the cave and back towards the village. Xena noticed one of the villagers was still on the ulter. The cultists leader was standing over them reciting his chant. She saw him take something from his cloak. Xena quickly ran, getting between the cultists leader and the villager. He gave Xena a sinister smile. Then he threw some sort of liquid into Xena's face.

Xena staggered back trying to wipe the burning sensation from her eyes. After a few moments, though her eyes were still stinging, Xena regained her sight. She looked around for the cultists, but they had all vanished. She spit. Some of the liquid had gone in her mouth as well. She noticed a bit had also landed on the ground. Xena knelt down to investigate the liquid. Nothing abnormal stood out to her.
(thinking to herself) Must just be used to blind. Allowing him to escape.

With no way of knowing where the cultists went, Xena headed back to the village. Once Xena and the rescued villagers returned, they were greeted by Gabrielle and rest of the villagers.
Xena. You're back.
Yea. How did things go here?
Good, we chased off the raiders without any casualties. And only a few minor injuries.
Nice work.

Xena rubbed her still irritated eyes.
You okay?

Xena didn't feel the need to tell Gabrielle about the liquid that had caused the irritation. She thought it would only serve to worry Gabrielle and she didn't think that was necessary.
I think some dust just in my eyes.

Xena excused herself and went to rinse out her eyes. Afterwards, with the burning in her eyes releaved, she returned. The villagers thanked both Xena and Gabrielle. Then the two of them headed out on the road again. They walked for awhile as Gabrielle curiously questioned Xena about the events of the day. Xena just gave her short, nondetailed answers. Gabrielle walked a little ahead as she chatted with Xena.
So what do you think they were trying to do with the villagers?
Don't know.
Wounder where they went.
Don't know.

Gabrielle was starting to think Xena wasn't really listening to anything she was saying.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
(smirking) To get away from your endless questions.

Gabrielle looked back at her and smiled, shaking her head.
Good one, Xena. You got me.

Gabrielle turned back as they kept walking. She continued idlely chatting with Xena for a bit.
So where are we going now Xena?

Gabrielle looked back towards Xena. Then she saw Xena laying on the ground unconscious.

Gabrielle ran back to her.
Xena what happened? Come on wake up. Xena! Xena!!


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