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The cultists watched as the mind controlled Xena drew her sword and began to approach Gabrielle.
Xena, please you have to snap out of it. You can fight this. I know you can.

Gabrielle's words once again fell on deaf ears.
You're wasting your time. She can't hear you.

Xena swung at Gabrielle. Gabrielle dodged her attack. Refusing to give up, she continued trying to reach the real Xena.
I know you're still in there. Come on, wake up.

Xena continued on the offensive. Almost as though she were a rabid animal. Due to her change in fight style, Gabrielle was having a difficult time defending against her. The fight went on, as the cultists watched on. Their leader smiled as Xena continued rage.
Yes, yes, very good. Soon you will be ready to lead our forces all across this land. It will all belong to me. Go, fight, kill her. And become mine. My warrior princess.

Gabrielle could hear him. She put some distance between herself and Xena. Then yelled at the cultists leader.
Xena doesn't belong to anyone. Especially not someone like you. I'm going to free her. Then we're going to stop you.

The cultists leader laughed.
You're concern for her is indeed touching. But shouldn't you be more worried about yourself at the moment.

Out of the corner Gabrielle's eye, she saw Xena bringing down her sword. At the last moment Gabrielle managed to move. However Xena's attack grazed her leg.

Gabrielle stumbled forward. Xena attacked again. Gabrielle got her defenses up just in time. But Xena's strike was so forceful, it knocked one out Gabrielle's sais from her grasp. Sending it flying out of Gabrielle's reach. The cultists leader lept with excitement, as he watched the battle unfold. Gabrielle didn't know what to do.
(Thinking to herself) I don't think I can stop her. Nothing I do is getting through.

Then Gabrielle remembered Xena's request if she lost complete control. She felt an awful pit in her stomach.
(thinking to herself) No, Xena please. Come back to me. I don't want to have to do this.

With tears in her eyes, she called out to Xena again.
Just stop this senseless struggle. Can you not see that you're pleas are futile. All of your efforts are in vain. She can not hear you. Just acknowledge the fact that she is gone. Lost to you forever. Now accept what the fates have in store for you. And perish!

As he spoke, the frenzied Xena kept up her attacks. Gabrielle tried as best she could to fend her off. However some of Xena's strikes got through Gabrielle's defenses. Gabrielle was taking some damage. She knew that she wasn't going to be able to hold out against Xena much longer. No matter what she did. Or how much she wanted to, nothing Gabrielle did was breaking through the hold the cultists had over Xena. Suddenly Xena swung hard. Gabrielle couldn't block. She felt the steel as it broke through her skin. She fell o the ground, clenching her stomach. The cultists leader beamed with a sickening joy.
Yes! Yes! Now finish her!

The cultists controlled Xena stood above Gabrielle. Tightly gripping her sword. Gabrielle looked up at her. Seeing the completely hollow look in Xena's eyes. She couldn't see anything resembling the Xena she had known.
(Thinking to herself) She's gone. She really is gone.

Gabrielle forced herself to get to her feet. Gabrielle knew she didn't have much left in her. And as much as it hurt her. She was going to keep the promise that she made to Xena.
(thinking to herself) Don't worry Xena, I won't let them make you into a monster.

Gabrielle stood in front of the mind controlled Xena. She readied herself to attack. 
Finish it.

Xena runs towards Gabrielle.    
I'm sorry I couldn't save you. Goodbye, Xena.

As Xena rushes at Gabrielle, she trust her sword forward. Gabrielle knowing she has no other options, launched her own attack. Their steel clashed. Gabrielle's sai slid up Xena's sword. Bounced off and pierced her shoulder. Gabrielle knew that wasn't going to stop Xena. But there wasn't anything else she could do. She felt that Xena had landed her attack too. She looked down, seeing Xena's sword buried  in her stomach. Gabrielle looked back up at Xena. She reached up and softly touched Xena's face. Then with tears streaming down her face, Gabrielle leaned in and kissed her.
I love you.

And with that Gabrielle collapsed to the ground, motionless.


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