You Have Met Morpheus. Lord Of Dreams.

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___________Song's _______
1._Sufjan Stevens mystery of love
2. _______ India Love story __

Oh that poor mortal is in for a painful time. That is one thing I do know, the second would be I have no idea what Morpheus has in mind as punishment for him. I've seen the punishments the dream lord can give some worse then other. Some are interesting too watch other best left unspoken for.

But I do hope he doesn't completely destroy the mortal. The man has hardly done any harm too me or Colliope it would be unfair he should save the real punishment for the one who really hurt us. But unfortunately his already received his punishment. Knowing my uncle he would make that man's afterlife more miserable then anything a human has ever experienced before.

Just as u thought I felt his presence. But not alone Richard is here too. Oh dear Athena bless this poor man's soul if there is one left after Morpheus is done with him. I could not hear what they were speaking about. Only a few moments later Richard basically scrambled up the stairs too my room like a mad man. Morpheus what have you done too the poor man I thought with a simrk forming on my face as I saw the fear in the man's face.

"So you're giving me nightmares now what have you and you're sister done too me??" he questioned in a panicked voice it was almost impossible not too break down in laughter. "I have done nothing Richard. You've met Morpheus king of dreams a very close friend of mine and ex husband and father too my sister son." I could swear his eyes grew ten times in size. His face at the moment reminds me of that fish... What's it called again? Ah yes a puffer fish

With that the man left locking the door in a hurry. Leaving once more I hope he does understand no matter where he hides Dream will find him and it would be no hard task too him. Humans sleep and once they do they dream making the job in finding them much easier. I'm sure he'll realize that soon enough. I wonder... Morpheus is back so that means the dreaming would be open for all dreamers once more.

Hopefully that means my mind would not be plaged with nightmares. Only one way too possibly know is too try. Slowly I made my way to that uncomfortable human bed and climbed in under the cold covers and let my mind be taken by the drean realm.

________The Dream ______

As beautiful as I remember it. It seems dream has been quite busy. It's not completely the same there is a few parts... Well. Many parts that still needs fixing but it's still lovely too sleep without nightmares influencing my mind. Or the curse fear of not waking up.

As I walked upon the broken bridge too the once glorious castle I spotted one I have not seen in a long time. Dreams loyal librarian and friend Lucienne. We both smiled at one another as I approached her. "I do not see that you have a appointment with the dream lord so I would ask you too leave." she playfully teased. There was no words needed I pull Lucienne into a tight hug. Other then death, my mother and my elder sister Athena, Lucienne too knew of my love and affection for her king.

Therefore has promised too have kept it secret. Hiding it form her own king, the risks of not only her work but her life for me, being proves too me that Lucienne is a loyal and trusted friend. Not only for save guarding my secret attraction for her king but also she was there in my time of need. After Dream and Colliope had gotten married it broke me like a mirror. Leaving me a open target for Desire of the endless.

"Lucienne my dear friend I have missed you quite dearly. You have not changed one bit since I last saw you 80 years ago." I smiled proudly too see her again and that smirk on her face says she too missed me. "Now this is not new my librarian and Friend plotting against me once more?" Dream questioned stepping from the shadows too join us and what my eyes saw was something I had not seen in a very long time.

Dream smiling brightly. I have not seen him smile in such a long time it feels new too see it but I'm glad his finally enjoying something after this long time of suffering. "Of course not Morpheus it would be too early too be plotting something against you already." I playfully teased. Lucienne giving me her all knowing grinning smile.

Dream caught on and decided too play along. "Oh dear goddess of nature and trouble making what mischievous plans do you have this time? Locking up my staff. Stealing my ruby? Painting on my walls perhaps. Or almost burn my library down." I laughed at the recall of the fun memories we 3 have together,but the last part about almost burning the library down was a honest mistake. I did not expect the lamp too be knocked over by a idiotic pumpkin.

" Hm... No I'm thinking of something new you have any idea Lucienne?" I raised my brow too her playfully and she placed her hand under her chin in a position too make it seem like she's thinking. "Of all things I did not think my own librarian would plot against me." he knew we meant know harm and honestly I'm glad too see him enjoying himself.

"Yes but the dream lord has not too fear we are harmless. Unlike the dream king who scared the soul out of that poor mortal." I replied in full honesty. I could see the proud smirk form on his lips as I cross my arms in a scolding way. "He deserves it, it would not take much and he will set you and you're sister free." I suppose his correct the poor man looked absolutely petrified.

"let us hope so Dream but it seems it's my time too awaken. I'll make you a bet if you get the mortal to set us free by sundown I will give you something in return but you cannot know what it is yet." He smiled knowing full well he can and will win this bet. " Oh this would be something too see." Lucienne smirked. Then it all faded. I woke up in my room again.

_____end of dream___

For you're eyes shine like a mirror of a thousand stars in the sky and hide as much secrets as they do. But with passion they burn.

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