This Is Madness!

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___songs ____
Own choices.

With that said I faded form the human world to the unpleasantness of my fathers throne room. Aphrodite give me strength...

"father." I answered bowing before him. He might be my father but I too had to show this respect in public. My father's icey blue eyes traveled mine. "My daughter has returned safely and unharmed."   unharmed??

Shaking my head I stood from the ground. "Father I was never safe or unharmed in that place that human kept me in." he held his hand in the air for me to be silent. "You were not alone you're sister Colliope-"

I cut him off by the raise of tone in my voice  "she is no sister of mine." I responded coldly. I have alot of respect for my father but for his choices I have non.

He stayed calm even if I did disrespect him in front of his court. Grasps escaped some of the members by my desplay of disrespect to my father.

" Yes I suppose so Alaina but why did you not return home. Is the dream lord's silly adventure of such importance." I could not stand staying in silence it was hard enough not to role my eyes or even say something.

"Well he is my friend and a fellow God his realm lays in ruins and I will not stand by it and watch Morpheus suffer more then he already has in the last 100 year's." My father scoffed at my anwser. If only he knew I had to suffer mortal torture without him lifting so much as a finger to help me.

Yet he wishes to scoffed at me who has the heart to help someone in need other then myself. " you are a Greek goddess endless affairs are non of you're business. You have been from Olympus long enough Alarina it's time to return to you're own matters." I clinched my fist in anger how selfish can he be! "Morpheus is not just any endless! He was my savor! He saved me more then once more then any of you have father! He might not mean anything to you but he means a lot more to me and any other mortals or gods then you! How can you be so selfish! His realm lays-"

His loud voice booming through the room making everyone silent or flinch, but I stood proudly holding my ground. " You are in no position to question me Alarina! I am you're father and ruler you will give me the respect I so desire and you will obey me!" he called loudly standing from his Throne.

I will not cry I fought with myself as I stood in front of him his cold gaze deadly and dangerous. " Then I do apologize but I won't turn my back on him may you approve or not!"  I called back but he stamped his staff on the ground causing sparks on the hard tiles.

"Do not define me Alarina! Or you will be punished -" my green eyes turned to a cold dark silver. "Punishment?? What punishment could you possibly give me! Father I was trapped! Abused and missed used by humans for 90 years! 90 long years! Alone in a room drained of magic and every day tourer and you made no attempt in helping me! Yes go ahead! I fear you or you're punishments not! "

My voice cold and hurt with hot salty tears steamed down my face his words hurt me deeply. I knew he could be cruel but this was madness! "My husband enough. She's our daughter she is not one of you're maids treat her with respect."

My mother's voice called from the doors. I smiled once I saw her, her eyes lighting up with life as she pulled me too her. How deeply I have missed her her embrace warm and loving I could smell the roses and sweet sent of her. Breathing it in savoring the moment with my mother.

"She should learn respect. She is our daughter yes but she cannot forget her place." my mother held me tightly as she stroked my long hair soothing me "And you are her fathers do not forget to act like it. The poor child has been through enough if she wishes to help someone who has helped her let it be. She can do as she wishes you do not control her."  My mothers voice ringing the room with power

My father nervously sat down once more." I suppose. I apologize Alaina but do remember you're mouth next time "  I felt my mother's angry gaze at my father. Smiling into her shoulder knowing I've won because everyone especially my father knew not to upset my mother. Her word was law.

"Come now Alarina. Leave you're short of memory father to think about what he has done." she whispered into my ear nodding I took her and as we left the room. "Thank you dearly mom I do not think I would control myself in there any longer." smiling she held my hand tightly as we walk through the dark gardens of the castle to my room.

"My little moon flower how have you been?" I smiled warmly at her. She would always call me her  little moon flower since it was the first flower I ever grew with my magic. "I've been better mom." I squeezed her hand lightly. She turned to me with a smile as we stopped in front of my room.

"Go to him my dear and once you waken we can speak before you leave?" I nodded grabbing her into a tight hug. "Thank you mom. You are absolutely amazing and yes I will speak to you before I depart again." she nodded as I pulled away entering my room.

With a flick of a finger I was dressed in a beautiful black silk dress with my hair neatly straightened out. I smiled warmly as I felt the comfort of my bed
Too the dreaming I shall go....

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