Chapter 48 - The thing of many faces

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Boa took the lead and marched all the way to the back of the house. My eyes traced over the faded yellow paint and all the boarded up doors and windows. It looked like the remnants from a Texas chainsaw massacre movie. There literally wasn't a single window, vent or door that wasn't boarded up. How did she even get Face changer in here? 

We eventually got to the back door and she hurried up to the porch. Where a Convenient rusty crowbar laid. She grabbed it and shoved it into the frame off the door and the whole thing just opened up!

"He broke through it last time! So I paid someone to remake the door! But make it only open with manual labor." Boa grunted and flung it open like a champ. Only for us to be met by another old mental door that had lock after lock on the side of it. She tossed the crowbar aside and went into her pocket, grabbing an old looking keyring, then started to unlock it. That's when I noticed the huge welts on the door, like someone was pounding to break out of here.

"Woah, did face changer do that?" I asked.

"Yeah, during your rampage that freak turned into an even bigger freak. The door held, but the roof didn't." She huffed. 

"So he broke the door first? Then the roof?" I asked as she got the last lock open.

"Yeah, pretty much. Don't worry, I've got super mega security now."

She pushed the door open and a loud screech followed. Unveiling the broken and ancient kitchen. Dust danced in the air and the place was oddly quiet. I looked around and noticed in the middle of the kitchen was the destroyed Island counter. Boa stepped inside and I followed her lead, eyeing the place. The cabinets that lined the walls of the kitchen were broken, and had doors that were barely hanging on. While the fridge was on the floor and had huge torn gashes on its side. I looked up and found the patch work up on the ceiling, it was completely metal. I whistled and turned back toward her. 

"How did you manage this place?" I asked.

She was busy unlocking another metal door that I assumed was the basement. As she opened it up, another door was a few steps down. The door had a spray painted skull and crossbones on it with the words 'Dickhead ahead'.

"I lied to some guys and said I was making a music video here. I let my familiars hold your pet while I paid off the simps for making it." She said and started to unlock the next door.

"Sometimes I forget you're like, a big deal." I said and walked over to her.

"You have no idea. My dms are flooded daily! Dude offered to fly me to the Philippines yesterday." She chuckled and then started ooing. "I once asked for someone to send me McDonald's on my Snapchat, and posted an address for an abandoned building. I drove by and saw a mountain of happy meals. Oh and stalkers."

"I don't know if I'm more bothered by the fact you did that, or the fact you asked for happy meals."

"Hey, they had a toy from Marvel at the time. I wanted them all. Plus a woman's gotta watch her figure after all." She said with a giggle.

"Says the Yokai who sheds her skin. Plus eating fifteen happy meals is pretty much a regular fat person meal." I huffed.

She growled and shoved the door open.

"Hey! That's-!"

"BOA! BOA! HELP ME! HELP! PLEASE!" A woman's voice suddenly cried out from the basement.

Boas' soul quivered at just the sound, and I watched her shake. Her grip on the key tightened and she shoved it into her pocket. 

"Boa, you don't-"

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