An End

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Fay caught Nathan making him turn around to look at her.

Fay: " you needn't hide anything from me. We trust each other don't we?"

There was a cool silence in the air. As the only sounds you could hear were the midnight waves crashing onto the ships haul lightly.

Nathan: " I just thought... that you'd rather be with them because... their your age.. and they like to do what you do.. I guess.." telling her the truth.

Nathan: " anyway you don't really need me anymore" telling her the truth about how he feels.

" oh Nathan.. that's not true" Fay said, letting go of Nathan.

Nathan and Fay didn't say anything more to each other. Silence befell the night, as they soon arrived in Florida.

Everyone boarded off the ship. But instead of going straight back, Nathan wanted to visit the beach. Just wanting one last moment with Fay. Since they're right here. Even though they could've easily kept going.

Fay didn't protest, because she wanted it too. Wanting just a little bit more time with Nathan.

So, they took a long walk on the beach. Looking at the full moon in the night sky, as the soft waves crashed onto the sandy night shore. Nobody else was at the beach since it was very late. Which was perfect for them.

" it's beautiful isn't it?" Fay said, admiring the view. Knowing nothing like it in Camelot. Sure they have beaches but none like this one.

" yeah.. I guess.." Nathan said, looking down. Still very sadden she has to go.

" do you have to go?" Nathan asked, seeing Fay look down upon him with a sadden look.

" yes." Fay said, seeing Nathan lightly sigh. Knowing that.

" would you like to forget?" Fay asked, seeing Nathan look at her and say " what?" not getting it.

" I could make you forget about me" Fay said, thinking that it would make Nathan feel better once this is all over.

" I don't want that" Nathan said, very upset that Fay suggested to do it.

" are you doing to do it to yourself? When you get back?" Nathan asked, thinking that's what Fay might do to herself if she suggested doing this to him.

" no." Fay said, not wanting to forget all this either.

" I guess it's time to go" Nathan said, knowing they probably spent too much time here and should be going back soon.

" Nathan." Fay said, stopping. Seeing him stop and turn around to look at her.

" I hate repeating things a second time but are you sure you don't want to come with me to Camelot? I could make you a king, we could rule side by side" Fay said, seeing Nathan sigh and say " I can't" knowing he doesn't belong there. It's probably ever boy's dream come true to be the king, having power like that and rule besides a queen like Fay but..

" I know." Fay said, knowing just like Nathan he won't leave his home and that she cannot stay here.

Fay extend her arms, wanting to give Nathan a hug. Nathan came running to her and hugged her. Tightly. Not wanting to let go, but knew he had to.

It was a quiet ride back to Nathan's home state.

Of course Nathan's house was surrounded by FBI, CIA, government officials/agents, SWAT, Police, and new crews.

Fay just turned them invisible and they entered through an open window.

When going up the stairs to his house, Nathan was kinda hoping his mom did throw away the trash. Because he really didn't want Fay to go home. He knew that was selfish but still... she really has grown on him.

Fay was kinda thinking the same, that if they couldn't find that 'game' than it wouldn't be too bad staying here. Because Nathan was here.

Sadly, the same was still in the trash.

" well... here goes.." Nathan said, holding the game in his hand. Not really wanting to hand it over to Fay.

" I am going to really miss you" Fay said, meaning it with all her heart.

" me too" Nathan said, extending the game for her to take it.

" take care of yourself Fay, and don't let your brother or Merlin boss you around ok?" Nathan said, getting kinda tearful. Seeing Fay tear up and chuckle and say " oh I won't" extending her hand to take the game.

Fay: " I promise you. I will never forget you." taking the game.

" yeah.. me too" Nathan said, as they both smiled at each other.

A bright light flashed and everything seemed to go back to normal.

When Nathan looked outside, he didn't see any police, agent, government, news, etc. outside his house. When he went downstairs he saw his mom and dad acting like usual. Not hysterical that their son had been missing for a few weeks.

Nathan looked online for anything about what happened and couldn't find a single thing.

Guess.. it was all a dream...

But than Nathan dug into his pockets and found the gold coin Fay had given him. And still had her good luck charm too. So, it wasn't a dream. Making Nathan smile.

The next day when he went to school, apparently nothing had changed. Especially his math test grade which was a D.

" oh come on" Nathan said, thinking that's bullshit. If he would've studied maybe he would've gotten a C. But thanks to Fay's whole adventure he didn't study at all.

When Nathan made his way to history class, he saw his geek/nerd friends by the lockers and asked them if they remembered anything that happened.

They all looked at Nathan confused, but were talking about how they had found a gold coin on them and didn't know where it came from. Nathan didn't care to explain, and left it at that.

When he sat down in history class, they went over basic history like when the gold and salt trade were happening. But when the Silk Road was mentioned, Nathan noticed it was different. That this road lead all the way up to Great Britain! When in actuality it only was exclusively to Asia.

Nathan shocked, history had changed! Flipping through more of the pages, he stopped on a chapter that focused on the medieval ages. And they talked about the story of King Arthur, Merlin, and Fay! Previously they had never mentioned her name but now she had appeared.

And kept reading that, although many tales about them were spread throughout Europe that they all had one thing in common. That Fay was evil but changed to be good again, by a boy named Nathan.

This story is officially finished. :) I hope you all enjoyed!

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