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I needed to get my bandages changed before I went back to the base, as usual, the hospital was busy, the day was hot, and my army greens stuck to me making me very uncomfortable. I passed a couple who were complaining about something, she was going into labour and the man was apparently wearing the wrong shit. I thought that was stupid.

The elevator was quiet, mostly old people. Every now and then someone would thank me for my service and I said the usual your welcome, or it's my duty. Once a vet got mad because women shouldn't fight and all that. The stitches on my face were ready to come out but we needed to check if everything was going fine on my ribs and the giant wounds on my back, torture was no joke.

Just as the door opened I looked up and met a pair of icy blue eyes, time slowed and breathing got harder to do, a scream pulled us out of the trance, it was the couple from earlier. My soulmate was married and his wife was in active labour. The lights flickered, what's been going on with the power lately? He stole glances my way and I don't blame him I did the same, how was this going to work out? I wasn't a home wrecker but he was my soulmate.

I got distracted thinking and missed my stop "excuse me" I moved out of the way so he could push his wife onto the maturity floor. I sat basking in the sun after my check-up, my ribs were still broken but healing nicely and my back was healing slowly, another week or so they could come out.

out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone sit down "hi" it was a whisper almost like he didn't know how to do this "hello" I didn't look at him. If I did I wouldn't be able to let him go. He was mine but he was already taken. Why did this need to be so difficult "I...I told her I want a divorce" That got my attention I choked on my spit "okay?" was all I could think of to say, you don't tell your wife who's in active labour that you want a divorce, I can only imagine the looks he got "have you found our other one?" I shook my head "can I have your number" he held out his phone. After a long awkward silence he got up to go, "wait" he turned back to me I didn't give him the chance to say anything I hugged him tightly, burning my face into is chest smelling him, the strong smell of sweat and cologne stung my nose but it smelt like home, I didn't know when the next time I would see him again, especially if I was going back on tour once I was healed.

The first thing I heard when I came too was the baby crying, my head was in Carl's lap, he leaned on the wall and was still in my hair, and he was fast asleep. I could hear Rick and Daryl try to calm her, I saw Rick walk back and forth while Daryl followed beside him with a teddy bear in his hand "she's hungry" my voice was more of a croak.

Their attention quickly snapped to me "morning" Rick whispered so as to not wake Carl "how long was I out" Beth came down the stairs taking her from Daryl, the crying instantly stopped I couldn't help but laugh. It was a good hard laugh. I ended up waking Carl and whoever was up came running to see what was up. By the time I was done my stomach hurt and I was crying "funny" Daryl grunted. Rick smiled at me. At least this one reached his eyes. "How are you feeling?" Maggie entered my cell.

She tried to kick Carl out but he wasn't having it, so she examined me while he kept his eyes closed "the placenta?" she asked "came out on my way back, probably in a walker's gut now" I shuddered at the thought of touching that thing. "Oh come on it couldn't have been that bad" both of them laughed at me "you pull your placenta out of your pants and then tell me it's not the most disgusting thing you've ever touched" the three of us burst out laughing again.

Carl helped me up and we sat at the tables. Carol put a big plate of food in front of me. I ate half and then gave the rest to Carl. I got a disapproving look from my boys and Maggie. "Can I see my baby now?" Daryl looked up, she was finally asleep in his arms, he looked reluctant to pass her over, "mom" I turned to Carl and hummed pushing the hair from his face "can we name her Sophia" his eyes had hope in them, I haven't seen that in a while "why don't you ask carol if it can be her middle name" he nodded and ran off.

Daryl placed her in my arms, "we're lucky it wasn't twins, I had a hard enough time with just her, how is she, the cord was around her neck" I looked to Herschel "she's healthy, you acted fast" I smiled down at her, my boys came and sat on either side of me "I'm sorry" I looked up to Rick "I'm sorry we weren't there"

"I should be the one saying that'' the baby cooed and gripped Daryl's finger, she looks a lot like Rick, I'm going to have to talk to him about having one with Daryl when we're ready and safe "what happened?" no one really wanted to answer me "a prisoner, he let them in and sounded the alarm, don't worry he's not a problem anymore" rick gave me a quick kiss "she needs a crib" i stated as i looked at the cardboard box that was lined with a blanket and winter coat for comfort and it brought back the still fresh memory of needing to put her in that box in the high shelf.

Daryl and Maggie said they would go get a bassinet for the time being. Carl sat with me in the shade with the baby in his arms "did you think of a name yet?" his father's hat slid down his forehead "Judith" She cooed "she likes it" he nodded ecstatically. "Judith Sophia Grimes-Dixon" both Daryl and Rick smiled down at us.

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