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We pulled up to a pharmacy a few hours away from the prison "Maggie, Glenn, you keep watch" they both looked confused "that's not a good idea" Maggie protested but I dragged her off to the side and gave her the short version as to why we're out here. "Ready" Daryl grunted and bagged on the windows, after we cleared the place I brought him to the aisle that had everything we needed, "you're going to need this'' I healed up a bottle of lube "Ricks a switch and he won't admit it but he enjoys being a bottom, so you're going to need to stretch him first" he looked at me like I was crazy "he'll guide you thru it, I'm just telling you this to make sure your prepared'' he nodded "you'll want to make sure to put some on yourself before you enter, it makes things go smoother, always wear a condom, it's more sanitary on your end but as long as you wash after it should be fine for when you don't have any." He stared at me, I had his full attention "like I said Rick will tell you what he likes, so just take it slow and learn from him"

"If you don't feel comfortable don't be afraid to stop, he won't be mad" I pulled a few bottles of lube off the shelf and put them into the bag, along with a few boxes of condoms, I grabbed a few sizes just so the prison had them. "This" I healed up a cock ring "this is fun, you probably won't use it right now, but we can save it for later" into the bag it went. "Once you get into a rhythm it will get easier, Rick likes it a little rough so don't think you're hurting him. He'll let you know what positions to try. It's no different than being with a woman, except its with a man" he gave me a small nod "you don't have to if you don't want to but before the sex don't be afraid to give him a blow job, again it's alright if you're not into that but he likes to give pleasure before receiving any so he probably will give you one"

We walked down a few aisles throwing some needed things into our bags "you can use a safeword, it can be anything, arrows, red or just stop. Whatever the two of you agree on. Just talk to him" I put a few tealight candles into my bag along with a box of matches "I suggest you wear just jeans, leave the button and zipper down a little, it's sexy" daryl stayed silent most of the time i talked "Any questions?" he thought for a minute "are you going to be there?" he seemed a little nervous, he was tense the whole time I was talking "no, he wasn't there when we fully bonded so it wouldn't be fair if I was there" he gave me a curt nod "later on if we find the time the three of us can have sex together if your comfortable"

We filled up the rest of the bags "I'll get everything set up and send him up, just remember to talk to him, he's not going to force you into anything you're not comfortable with" we headed for the car, and the sun said it was late afternoon "let's go" I closed the trunk Maggie gave me a smile while Glenn looked a little confused poor innocent Glenn.

Daryl held my hand the second I sat in the back seat, he was still tense so I unbuckled my seat belt and moved into his lap my back against the door he healed me close and nuzzled his face into my neck, I slowly ran my hand threw his greasy hair, slowly his shoulders relaxed and a soft snore came from his lips. Maggie turned to face me smiling "I'm glad he's found you, he deserves to be happy" I nodded, settling into him, closing my eyes, and joining him in his slumber.

I woke up to soft kisses being peppered on my neck, an involuntary moan left my lips when he hit my sweet spot, Glenn cleared his throat "sorry, pretty boy" I felt Daryl smirk and he nibbled a little trying to draw another one from me but I bit my lip to keep it from escaping, I heard him mumble "damn you Glenn" I imagen Glenn rolled his eyes and looked annoyed.

Rick and Carl opened the gates for us. I greeted them, showing Rick I was fine like promised. I lagged behind waiting for an opportunity to escape to the far watch tower, I got it when they entered the courtyard. Daryl gave me a thumbs up behind his back telling me he had Rick's full attention. I ran as fast as my sore legs would carry me. Once up top, I laid out the candles, the condoms, and the lube. Rick likes to change up the flavour every now and then so I wanted to give him options. I also put the cock ring beside the condoms in case Daryl wanted to try it. I put clean blankets on the bed and left to meet the others for dinner

"Where were you?" Rick asked before I got a chance to sit across from the two. I usually sat in between them but tonight was all about them "out and about" I let out a yawn, that nap did nothing for me "I know you need the rest but can you-" I didn't get to finish "sleep, I'll take watch with Daryl" he grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles "I owe you" he shook his head, "we're the ones that owe you, you gave us a beautiful daughter" Daryl nodded "were indebted to you Darlin" I felt the heat spread to my cheeks and looked down embarrassed, the two laughed at me "I'm going to check on Merle" I sent a wink Daryl's way and put my dishes in the sink.

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