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Rick pov

Carl walked a few feet in front of me, he was pissed "Carl" we walked all night and found a bar "slow down"

"Why dad! we just left them there, mom dad, Judith, we left them" he shouted over his shoulder "Keep your voice down" he stared at me with something in his eyes I couldn't quite place "they made it out, they both did"

"But she didn't" his voice was starting to waver "You don't know that" he turned away and walked over to the door "stay here, I'll clear it"

"I'll clear it, you can barely walk" he's got his mother's stubbornness that's for sure "we'll both clear it" he went ahead and around the corner, "Carl!" I whisper-yelled, the front counter was barred off with chairs, so someone at some point had to be held up in here. "Clear" I gestured to the clump of chairs "might be one there" Carl rattled some of the chairs and a few moments later a walker came out "leave it," I told him

"Why, we can take it"

"I said leave it" he drew his gun and shot it "Carl!" he stormed out and walked up the road "Carl!"

"What dad? We left mom back there! Dad, Judith we just left them and you're carrying on like we didn't"

"They got out" I yelled back "How do you know that" I showed him the inside of my wrists, "marks aren't grey, there alive" he looked at them for a few moments before turning and leaving "Judith aint"

I didn't catch what he mumbled, it was going to be a long day and an even longer time before we found them.

y/n pov

Three walkers turned the corner, I quickly took them out with my hunting knife and gutted one "fuck me" I whispered as I spread its guts all over me. "You fuckers stink" by the time more rounded the corner I was covered in guts, I stunk like one of them and I sure as hell looked like one, I just hope none of our group thinks I am one and shoots me.

The herd was too thick to walk through so I went further into the prison, one of the walls was blown down. It must have been where Ty came in slowly to not draw attention to myself. I walked over to the wall and climbed out.

I met up with a small herd in the woods and followed them. I needed to find a stream to wash the guts off, these were the only clothes I had so it wasn't like I could just drop them.

After washing what I could out of my greens I continued to the warehouse, it was the only place I knew of that had food. The only problem was, I didn't know where I was. A glance at my wrists told me they were alive. I just hope someone found you Judith. I set up camp in a tree and left figuring out where I was for tomorrow.

Carl's pov

Dad passed out on the couch after we tied the door closed, he has been out for a few days, and food is low especially if we were going to leave when he woke up. After making sure the doors and windows were locked and checking to make sure I had mom's knife I set out to look for some supplies.

I led two walkers away in front of the house, my knife got stuck in the skull of the first one, the other was a lot closer than I thought and it tripped me, I fell onto the first with the second on top of me. Getting the knife out from the first was a struggle but I managed and soon after put down the second, it was a lot heavier than I thought so it took a little bit of effort to push it off of me.

The first three houses didn't have much in supplies, a few band aids, and cliff bars. The third kitchen was pretty much untouched, especially that can of chocolate pudding on top of the cupboards.

I went to clear the rest of the house before collecting the food, the bathroom had more medical supplies and some painkillers Dr S taught me about so onto the counter they went. Holding my knife eye level as mom taught me I cleared each room.

The last room down the hall was a different story. The second I stepped into the room a walker came out from behind the door, shitting it in its attempt at grabbing me. I fell back dropping the knife just out of reach.

It did everything any walker did, it tried to bite and scratch but I was able to hold it off long enough to grab my knife and swing at it — I missed.

We wrestled for a few minutes before I decided to just leave it locked in the room, but not before it grabbed my shoe and pulled it off. All I cared about was getting out so I left it, a shoe wasn't worth risking my life over. For no reason, I scribbled on the door with some chalk "Walker inside, got my shoe didn't get me" I guess a part of me thought mom might come across it and recognize my writing.

I sat on the porch roof eating the pudding after I filled my bag with what I could. Just enjoying the heat from the sun but mostly the pudding, it's been a while since I've had it. The walker kept banging on the window but I didn't let it ruin my mood. I made sure to head off back to the house before dark

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