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I sat on the floor facing Merle's bed, knife in hand, there was no way I would let Daryl do it. Even if he ends up mad at me I just can't do that to him. Killing someone you love fucks you up in ways I can't even express. "Hey" I looked up to see Rick in the doorway "hey hon" his face was soft "You alright?" I nodded "you should take a shower before you head out, you stink" Rick scoffed "take a shower" I pointed at him with the knife, he just rolled his eyes and left.

I didn't even notice I fell asleep until the sun shining in the window shot into my eyes. I made sure Merle was still alive before going out to make breakfast for my boys. I quickly changed into one of Daryl's sleeveless shirts and a pair of Rick's sweatpants before making my way up the tower, the others already going about their chores.

I smiled at the sight of Rick, curled up on Daryl's chest. I tried to be quiet but I guess with the way the world is now everyone became light sleepers "Mornin" Daryl yawned "Mornin" I set their breakfast on the desk "have fun?" he covered his face, his cheeks a dusty pink "I did" Rick grumbled out "the two of you have the day off, everything's handled" Rick rolled over and Daryl healed out his arm "join us, I want a cuddle sandwich again" I smiled the memory from back at the farm.

I crawled in between them, and curled into Daryl's chest while Rick spooned me, "I could get used to this"

"The cuddle sandwich?" Rick's hot breath caused goose bumps on the back of my neck "no, my boys naked in bed" they both laughed, I tried to hide my yawn but it didn't work "get some sleep, we got ya" Daryl kissed my forehead and I drifted into the darkness of a dreamless sleep.

"Should we wake 'er" their not so hushed whispering woke me "this is the longest she slept in a long time" one of their hands rubbed the side of my ribs while the other tightened their grip around my waist, I really hope my shirt didn't ride up, I don't like the way my stomach looks

I was in the limbo of falling back asleep when the hatch made a loud bang causing me to jump up and look around for danger "hey, hey, your ok" Rick healed me I was shaking slightly, and my breathing picked up "Glenn" Daryl growled "sorry, it got stuck, Maggie was worried about y/n"

"She was fine till ya come up scaring the shit out of 'er'' the both of them were mad at him "I'm fine Glenn, tell her I'll be there for dinner" he nodded and left "you ok?" Rick looked concerned "ya, let's just go back to cuddling" we all got comfortable again.

We all gathered around the small cafeteria in the cell block, Rick was explaining the plan, he, Daryl, Michonne, Glenn, and Maggie would be going back to Woodbury to take out the governor. "And Amy?" Glenn was the one who spoke the question on my mind "she's not the Amy we knew, she's different" they all looked at me, it's the first time I'd spoken since we walked in here, I'm mad about my nap being interrupted.

"What do you mean, there's a chance-" I cut Glenn off "it's not her, war changes people"

"This ain't war"

"It is, We're at war against the walking dead. She's been through shit none of you can imagine"

"You can?" it was such an innocent question from Beth "not everything but pretty damn close, the only difference between here and Iraq is that I wasn't fighting the dead, there's some really sick people out there she's probably met some of them" they were all quiet "I'll stay protect the kids"

I found myself sitting in Merle's cell, watching his chest slowly rise and fall. It's ok Dixon, I'll take care of him "hey" I looked up to see Rick in the doorway "how is he?"

"When do you leave?" He gave me a small smile. "Tonight, take 'em by surprise." I just nodded, staring at Merle. Is this how he felt dropping me off at the airport? It's like I'm drowning on land, he's right there but he's so far out of reach "If you're not back by dawn, I'll bring everyone to that Wearhouse we saw on our first run, wait three days then leave" Rick nodded and left I could carry Merle. if I can carry fords limp body for 5 miles I can lift him long enough to take him to the RV "I hope you and Espinosa are ok"

"Mom" my head snapped up to Carl "yeah hon " I ruffled his hair "they're leaving" I nodded and followed him out with my hand over his shoulder "you getting tall " he smiled and put his hat on his head "you're just shrinking" the both of us laughed. "Ready?" I looked at my boys "not yet, I'm missing something" I smiled at Rick, I used to say that to him when he dropped me off "come 'er' ' I pulled him into a deep kiss. I pulled Daryl into one when we were done "come back in one piece, if not take the bitches with you" the three of us fist bumped and they got in the cars.

"Carl, Beth, Carol. Come here" the four of us gathered in the inner courtyard, "if they're not back by the first crack of dawn were going to the meetup point, well wait for three days then move on, they'll find us if there alive" they nodded "Carl, you've gotten good on the snipper take the roof up there" I pointed to the left building "Beth, Carol, you're on opposite ends down here, I'll take above c block," they nodded.

"Hershel will wait in the RV with the others out back in case we need to leave" they nodded and ran off, once I got Merle in the RV and tied to the bed I left, I set up some old rifles in the watchtowers, making the scope noticeable so it looks like we have more people on guard if I'm right the moonlight will catch on it. When I was done I set up on the roof.

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