Fun Facts About Nova and Divakar! (In no particular order, part 1)

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Divakar only knows how old Nova and him are from reading the scientist's notes on both of them. It gave him the general year and month they were born but he doesn't know the dates.

Divakar tries to something special for Nova every time it's her birth month

Divakar didn't plan on telling Nova his birth month so that she didn't worry about doing special for him, however, she tricked him into revealing it.

Nova knows all of the constellations by heart, and even the names of some of their stars, but doesn't know what milk is.

Divakar is solely responsible for 90% of Nova's entire education. 5% is from books they find and then the last 5% is from other people.

Yes, this means Divakar has forgotten to tell her about very basic things, milk is just an example.

Divakar started to teach Nova how to read and write only 2 months before the RP started.

Nova is absolutely amazing at mental math. At least multiplication and division. She doesn't even know what fractions are.

Divakar does not know where she got her talent for math from but he isn't complaining. He hates math.

Nova just sort of taught herself that one. Divakar taught her how to count and she eventually figured it out. ("I'm counting these to be sure." "There's 28." "How did you—" "so are you two buyin' or what?")

Nova has never listen to music.

Divakar is a hopeless romance, but has never actually pursued a relationship. Not because of fear of rejection, but because he doesn't ever, under any circumstance, want to chose between a lover and Nova. So the best way to avoid that is just to never have a choice in the first place, right?

Nova doesn't even know what romantic love is. One of the many things Divakar hasn't explained to her. Oops.

Nova has strong sensory issues, and they get worse when she's already overwhelmed or anxious. Sometimes, after a really bad overload, she'll burn out and her senses only allow her the bare minimum. Like she can see, but her hearing and sense of smell just completely leave her. She'll also go non-verbal whenever she's dealing with an overload or the after effects of one.

Divakar does struggle with his senses occasionally, but he much less effected by the environment then Nova.

Nova has never been apart from Divakar. At least not willingly. (@1-800-INDECISIVE Lol.)

Neither sibling really knows how to deal with being shown affection.

Nova normally is a more physical person, cuddling, hugging, and generally just being close to the people she likes and trusts. She doesn't really know how to voice anything.

Divakar, however, is a gift person. He will find a way to acquire anything that will make someone he trusts/likes smile.

Divakar hates burning books, and only does so when necessary. He always lets Nova read them before he does it though.

Divakar taught Nova Morse Code for when she's non-verbal. Nova memorized it and knows it by heart, but Divakar often has to refer to a cheat sheet he made for himself.

Nova and Divakar have an ongoing rivalry with the Desert Twins. Divakar and Edan are normally the ones fighting while Nova and Audun just kinda stand by and watch the drama.

Ever since Audun helped Nova out after they both got lost in a market Morse Code has just kinda became their Thing.

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