The tragedy and awakening

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It was a sunny day in Märchenland and princess Jenna was walking through her kingdom full of fairies.

It was a sunny day in Märchenland and princess Jenna was walking through her kingdom full of fairies

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(Jenna in her princess outfit.)

She was happy seeing everyone having fun and laughing. Then she saw two of her closets friends. Two fairies named Pop and Candy. "Good day Pop and Candy." She said with a smile. Pop and Candy returned the smile. "Good day princess." Pop said with a bow. Candy jumped into her arms and hugged her. "Good day Jenna." Candy said happy as Jenn just smiled. "What a lovely day today." Jenna said and Pop and Candy nodded in agreement.

Just then, the sky turned dark and all the fairies ran inside their homes scared. Jenna quickly ran back to her home with the two fairies in her arms. As she reached outside the castle she and the two fairies saw her mother fight against a giant clown.

"Mom!" Jenna shouted and her mother turn to her. She smiled. "Pop. Take Jenna and your sister out of here." She said. "My queen." Pop said worried. "I trust you all. To give Märchenland a happy ending." Jenna's mother said before continuing fighting the giant clown. Jenna knew she couldn't do anything so she ran to the closest bookshelf. As she reached it and thought of the location, something hit her in her back before she got through.

There she and the two fairies where, in the secret library. "We should be safe here." Pop said as he gave Candy a comforting hug. Jenna then started to feel weird. She then noticed that her lower body started to turn to stone. The fairies noticed this and panicked. "Princess/Jenna!" They shouted and Jenna looked at them. She gave them a resurging smile. "Don't worry. I know that you'll find a way to free me. I believe in you." Jenna said with some tears falling down her cheeks. Both Pop and Candy sheded tears as well. "We'll do anything princess." Pop said making Jenna smile before she was completely turned to stone. Unconscious and trapped in her own mind.

Days went by, weeks, months. She couldn't tell how long she was trapped in stone. But then suddenly the stone around her body started to crack. Her whole body fell to the ground and she slowly opened her eyes. As she looked at her body a ray of happiness went through her body. Then she looked up to see five girl standing infront of her. They all had different hair color and smiled in relief. The one with pink hair walked up to Jenna and helped her up. "Hey. Welcome back." She said and helped Jenna stand up. The girls introduced themselves. Their names was Miyuki, Akane, Yayoi, Nao and Reika. They also said that they where pretty cures and Jenna's eyes widend.

"Wow. It's an honor to meet you." Jenna said bowing. "The honor is ours." Reika said. Then they all heard someone yell. "Princess/Jenna!" They all turned around and Jenna's eyes watered when she saw Pop and Candy standing there with happy tears in their eyes. "Candy, Pop!" Jenna said and the two fairies flew into her arms. They hugged eachother with happy tears as the others smiled at the sweet moment. Now Jenna was free and finally reunited with her friends, together with five new ones.

(A/N. Hope you liked this first chapter. Don't forget to like and share with others. See you soon.)

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