Miracle jewel and returning fairies

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The pretty cure and Candy was by a bench in town when they saw something in the sky. "What's that?" Miyuki said worried. "It's heading this way." Yayoi said. Jenna looked at it and then she got a flashback from the past. "It can't be." She said and the others looked at her. Just then the royal clock shined and Candy got ingolfed in light. "Candy." Miyuki said. Before they knew it had Candy turned into a crystal with wings. "Candy!" They all screamed.

They all gathered around it. "What happened to Candy?" Miyuki asked worried. "Girls!" They all heard and saw Pop coming towards them. "We got problem. That object in the sky that's heading towards earth. It's no other then Pierrot's egg." Pop said. Jenna took some steps back. "Like before in Märchenland." She said scared. "Pop. You gotta see this. What happened to Candy?" Miyuki asked as she held Candy. "Is this what I think it is?" Pop asked holding Candy.

"It's exactly what you think." They all turned around to see the bad end generals. "That fairy have been the miracle jewel all along." Akaoni said. They all gasped. "But that doesn't matter." Wolfrun said. "We're gonna sink your world into despair." Akaoni added. "And gather that last energy to revive Pierrot." Majorina ended. They all then took up their books and made everyone got ingolfed in dark auras.

Dark energy started to go into the egg. "If we don't do anything. Pierrot will be revived. Then everyone is gonna get a bad end." Jenna said worried. "Seems like your final battle is near." Pop said. Miyuki looked at the others. "Let's go!" She said and the others nodded before they transformed.

The bad end generals threw up black noses and got new forms. The cures was shocked. "Cure Happy, Cure Luna. Let's do this. You and me!" Wolfrun said and went towards the two. "Let's go Luna." Happy said and Luna nodded. They started to fight Wolfrun, but was was stronger than before.  "He's so strong." Happy said. "What did you expect. We're gonna win this time." Wolfrun said before knocking Happy back. "Happy!" Luna shouted before she got knocked back too. "Is that all you got?" He asked the two cures.

"You might be stronger." Happy started. "But we're not giving up!" Luna added. They both focused their energy. "Pretty cure. Happy shower!" Happy yelled and shot her attack. "Pretty cure. Luna crescent light." Luna shouted and shot her attack aswell. Wolfrun shot his attack that was stronger than the cure's attacks. "Luna reflection!" Luna shouted and took up her sheild. But it didn't work and both she and Happy got knocked back.

All cures landed beside eachother. "Looks like we've won pretty cure." Wolfrun said. "We're pretty cure." Sunny said getting up. "We won't lose." Peace then said. "We won't give up." March added. "Our hopes and dreams." Beauty said. "Will never fade away." Happy said. "Our heart will never die." Luna said. "About that. Look up." Wolfrun said and the cures looked up. Pierrot's egg was getting closer. "Not so long until Pierrot arrives." Wolfrun said and the cures got worried.

"King Pierrot will soon be reborn." Akaoni said. "And he'll be stronger then before." Majorina said. "You don't have a chance beating him." Wolfrun said. "So what? We're not just gonna give up." Happy said. "The people of the world." Sunny then said. "And their futures." Peace added. "Are at stake. "That's why." Beauty said. "Defeat is simply not an option for us!" Luna said. "Our only choice is to keep on fighting with every last breath we have." Happy yelled. "Girls. Let's go!" Luna said and the others nodded. They all then turned into their princess forms.

The bad end generals summoned their full power and managed to out power the cures. "They're too strong." Peace said. "You have no idea what we've been through. Our whole lives. We've been suffering loneliness and pain!" Majorina said. "Pain?" Happy asked. "We're doomed to be the villains of our stories. Hated by everyone." Majorina said. "We where feared." Akaoni added. "Side lined from the others." Wolfrun said. Then he told them about how Joker gave them a deal. "So that's why." Happy said. "That's why we hate you. You humans, always laughing and having fun. Talking about your bright futures if everything was dandy." Wolfrun said and the cures was shocked.

"We where hated. Nobody even cared about us. How could you understand what we've been through?" Akaoni said mad. "That's why we're helping king Pierrot to obliterate this world. So we never have to be reminded ever again!" Majorina shouted. The cures didn't do anything which confused the generals. "Why aren't you doing anything?" Akaoni asked. "Because I went through the same in school." Peace said. "I felt so lonely and forgotten when I was turned to stone." Luna added. "I know what we've been through ain't gonna hold a candle for you. But." Sunny said.

The generals got mad and charged forward them. Happy and Luna fought Wolfrun. They all said that they understood them and wanned to help. The generals was shocked and got more mad that they charged their powers more. Happy stood infront of them and then the big light appered. When it was gone they all saw that the generals was actually fairies. Pop then ran up to them. "Wollun, Oninn, Witchylin." Pop said as three fairies stood up with tears in their eyes. Luna kneeled infront of them. "You've been through alot." She said smiling.

"We're sorry princess." Wollun said. "We didn't mean for it to go this far." Oninn then said. "Please forgive us." Witchylin said. All three cried and Luna embraced them in a hug. "I forgive you. Welcome back." Luna said with tears in her eyes. She then took up a book and opened a portal for them. All three walked inside back to their home. The others smiled as the last decor appered. But just then Joker snatched it.

"Joker!" Luna said mad. "Look closely as the final strike has arrived." Joker said as a final clock strike was heard. "It's to late. Pierrot is gonna be revived." Pop said. Joker laughed and summoned something. From darkness came five figures. Bad end pretty cures.

To be continued..

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