Chapter 11: From contempt to reconciliation

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Neutral point of view

A few days after the altercation between Porsche and Kinn, the tensions between them increased tenfold. Looks like nothing can bring them closer...

Kinn refuses to have Porsche in his line of sight and Porsche refuses to stay in the same room as Kinn. This means that they no longer work together, each preferring to stay away from the other, as the tensions between them remain pronounced.

Pete and Porsche work together to protect Tankhun. Arm and Pol were given to Kinn. Big alternates between Kinn and Tankhun, sometimes having to keep an eye on Kim.

Korn, the father, is not at all happy with the degraded relationship of Kinn and Porsche but does not despair that one day the two will become friends. Does he live in a utopian world? Maybe in any case everything is possible when you write a fanfiction...

Most affected by the tensions between Kinn and Porsche remains Pete. Whatever he does, he keeps replaying in his head, the fight that there was between Porsche, whom he considers his sex friend and Kinn, whom he considers... .he doesn't know yet. Everything is confused in him.

When he fucks with Porsche, Kinn is on his mind.When he takes a shower, Kinn is on his mind.When he eats food, Kinn is on his mind.When he watches the drama series with Boss Tankhun and Porsche, Kinn is on his mind.

Whatever he does, wherever he goes, who he is with, Pete thinks only of Kinn. Not that he is in love with him, but rather he feels guilt knowing that he is the object of Kinn's suffering.

Kinn seems sincere in saying he has feelings for Pete but Pete can't project himself with it as easily as he does with Porsche.

Pete doesn't love Porsche romantically, he just loves it for the sexual pleasure it brings him. The fact is, he's more comfortable with him than with Kinn, probably because there's no hierarchy between them, like there is between him and Kinn.

This detail is the advantage of Porsche and the disadvantage of Kinn, who has to work twice as hard to prove to everyone, and more particularly to Pete, that one should never trust appearances, that nothing is a foregone conclusion and that everything could change at any moment, and for this to be understood by both parties, discussions must occur.

Porsche point of view

I've only been spending my time with Pete and Tankhun for almost two weeks now. Tensions with Kinn did not dissipate at all. We almost fought several times in the past few days, so strongly, that Mr. Korn had to make drastic decisions so that we didn't see each other as often as that.

I had to switch my guards with Pol and Arm, who are usually responsible for taking care of Boss Tankhun. Pete stayed with me, for my greatest pleasure, even if the situation we are currently going through has cooled our carnal relationship a little. Pete is less playful, energetic, and teasing. It annoys me a bit and frustrates me a lot but I take it upon myself, hoping things calm down on their own.

Currently, we are sitting on the couch with Boss Tankhun, eating sweets while watching TV. I'm sitting between Pete and Boss Tankhun, between two totally different personalities.

Boss Tankhun seems very happy to know that I have tension with Kinn and the reason is called Pete. I think he categorically refuses to let his little brother put his main bodyguard in his bed...Pete is morose, sad and empty inside. Watching funny videos doesn't even make him laugh anymore. When he's with me, he forces himself into everything, even a smile. I understand that he puts distance with me but not like that...I don't like it and as soon as I have the opportunity to tell him, I will tell him. I am not the center of the problem, nor is he.

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