She reminds me of you

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⚠️Disclaimer: Result of child abandonment, minor mention of SA in the beginning, mention of death ⚠️

Bucky x Child!reader

This one is sad for right now but it gets better I promise :)


Why? Why me? Why did he dump me here? Leave me on the street? Trick me? Couldn't he have simply ordered me out instead of leaving me alone at night? Couldn't he have waited until morning at least? Now I have no where to go, no where to turn or run too.

Stupid moving scheme.

Maybe it's a good thing, just look on the bright side. I don't have to be forced anymore, I don't have to be held against my will, used, or have to put on a fake face. I'm alone, I can do what I want.

But. . . I'm alone.


"No, dear god Sam, leave the dog alone!" Bucky shouted through the phone, clutching it with much frustration built up, "Just— just get Sarah to do it. I'll be there in a few."

"Fine, but I'm telling you, Alpine will destroy Rox in a heartbeat." Sam snickered on the other end.

"Your bet is on the cat?" Bucky mumbled, pulling up near a convenient store, "I'm betting your bird collection then."

"It's not a bird collection!" He huffed, "It's my bird gear collection. Y'know? For when I'm flying? A lot of birds get hit up there at night, Buck."

"Sheesh," Bucky sighed, stepping out his car, "I'm heading inside for the stuff, if you go flying stay clear of your relatives."

"Ha ha,"

Bucky hung up the line and began walking inside the store. He had a specific list and amount of money he could spend on Sam's card, but who was the amazing Barnes if he didn't max out his card?

Get Sam another card from Happy, he mentally checked that off in his head.

Quickly, he rummaged around the small store grabbing the items he needed and wanted for himself. He kept hesitating on going over to the isle on his right. He felt a sense of caution if he even thought about looking over there. He could feel the eyes bore into his back and it made him extremely uncomfortable. He shot a glance to the clerk who paid no mind to him or whoever was in his field of vision. Maybe he was making it up? He just didn't want to fight, he was done, him and Sam both. It was just politics and simple muggers now.


Hopefully like he wanted, he'd finally get to live a life like the people around him, hopefully he'd finally pick up the pieces and be able to smile, to recall only good memories he's made, too hopefully not be alone in his gray world anymore, to pay bills, taxes, be able to pass by prowl without them recognizing who he was or running away. To have a simple life. He was tired. Tired of fighting, of planning out his next safe house, of running from the law, from Hydra. That's why this person or thing behind him scared him, one wrong move and his plans for the future go downhill quickly. He'd have to move out of his apartment, keep away from Sam —even though he really doesn't want too and only threatens him about it—, to move out of the city or—

"Sir. . ."

That small voice stopped his whole world. He looked down and his breath caught in his throat. A girl. A very beaten up, dirty, teenage, sad looking girl. Her hair was covered in dirt and mud, the rain from outside drenched her, there were bags under her eyes, small bruises littered whatever skin was exposed, and her cheeks were ever so slightly hollowed that if he wasn't a super soldier, he wouldn't have taken note that she hasn't gotten proper meals in days. It looked like she'd been through hell and back.

James Buchanan Barnes Imagine book 2 Where stories live. Discover now