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It was four o'clock.

I stretched my arms while I was looking over the guy.

He seemed to be really past out so, I dragged his body and then got a cell for him.

Hoping he would wake up in the morning instead of the middle of the night.

Eh, why not handcuff him.

I handcuffed him so he wouldn't go anywhere and closed the gate.

Then I walked to Soulhee to check on her if she needs anything.

She was closing her eyes as she was laying on the bed.

"Are you good?" I asked.

"Hm," she said, "oh, do you have a phone charger I can use? My phone's dead," she said and rummaged in her jeans, "or not. I swear I had a phone."

"Oh?" I said and walked to helped her find her phone.

"Huh, I guess I didn't have it." She said.

Great, her chance of getting home is slim now.

I sighed.

"It's fine. Take your time to remember your address. Like I said, you're more than welcome to stay in the station as long as you want." I said.

"Jackson, can I have a hug?" Soulhee asked.

I smiled and spread my arms wide.

It was quick but I think now she has the courage to move on more.

"Well, goodnight." She said after she broke the hug.

I smiled and exited the station.

I started my car and drove to my lonely house.

I ate dinner in my dining table while watching a live case about, 'Typhoon Hinnamnor batters South Korea.'

"Tragic." I said and shut off my TV.

After I ate, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then I changed and lay down on my bed.

I had a dream about Soulhee.

"Jackson." She said.

I turned my head.

Then she started to walk towards me. I walked towards her too but she suddenly got a gun wound on her side of her stomach.

I opened my mouth to help her but she dissolved into sand.

I looked up and saw a 'Psycho' member grinning.

His gun on his right arm, gripping tightly to it as he walked towards me.

Then he shot me and I gasped.

I woke up abruptly on my bed.

It was five AM.

I went to the bathroom and sighed.

When I was done, I lay back down again and tried to have a more pleasant dream.

I blinked.

It was now seven.

"Damn." I said and stud up from my bed as I heard my alarm on my phone.

I shut off my alarm and went to the bathroom to get ready.

When I was done, I opened my bathroom door and headed to my car.

I didn't need breakfast.

I closed my car door and locked it.

I then walked to the station and opened my computer.

To see anymore progress on 'The Psycho's' ever changing location.

Now, they're in Gapyeong.

I always have to bring backup just in case something happens.

This might be the end of 'The Psycho's.'


A/N: sORRy, this chapter is short.
i'll make this next chapter longer.

aNd iT's nOt thE eNd oF thE bOok,


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