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I went downstairs while Soulhee came along with me.

I glanced at her a couple of times just to make sure she was following me.

"I was a runaway." She said, not looking at me.

I turned my head slightly on the right.

"I mean, I ran away from a guy-." She covered her mouth.

"I'll ask you later." I said.

She nodded and sighed.

We reached my office subsequently and I opened my door and stepped in.

Soulhee looked and saw an empty chair besides my desk.

"Can I sit here?" She asked.

I nodded.

"So, do you know this guy?" I asked.

"His name is Himchin." She said and closed her eyes.

Oh good, a name.

"Do you know his last name?" I asked.

Soulhee shook her head.

"Kay." I said and typed the information on my computer.

"I'm sorry." She said and turned away from me.

Then she wiped a tear off of her eyes.

Oh damn-.

"Hey, it's ok. If you want, we can solve this together." I said softly.

She nodded.

I hesitated.

"Or actually, are you tired?" I asked.

Soulhee nodded.

"There's a bed downstairs where I sometimes sleep when I'm really tired at work. I'll guide you to it." I said and stud up.

She smiled and begun to walk where a small bed I installed was there.

"Take nap as long as you like. The bathroom's on the right." I said and Soulhee nodded.
I was typing to gain a code to break through the 'Psycho's' data base until Soulhee woke up from her nap.

She went to the bathroom. When she was done, she washed her hands and stepped out.

"Now, are you comfortable to talk more?" I asked and put away my jacket.

"Yes." She said.

"Why did you runaway? Were you being chased?" I asked and opened a new portfolio on Soulhee.

"I didn't actually runaway, I was kidnapped. I think I was drugged and was about to be liquidated. I think by this gang called, ' The Psycho's'" She said and fixed her posture.

I could see the anxiety in her eyes.

"I see." I said and clicked on a new tap and typed the data in.

"Ok, I assume you don't know the way back home?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"No, but I do have a mom and dad. I just don't remember my address." Soulhee said.

"Ok." I said.

I typed in the information on a new data base.

I checked the time on my phone.

It was now seven twenty.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Let's go downstairs. There's a cafeteria in the station." I said.

We went downstairs and went to the food court.

"Woah, who's that?" Mark hyung asked and slightly turned his head to the right.

"She's a witness." I said.

Soulhee was looking at the kimpap and the side dishes.

"Can I have the kimpap and a bottle of water?" She asked.

"Alright." I said.

I picked out four pieces of kimpap, a small dish of toshirak, bottled water, and brought it to the cash register.

"Alright, it'll be 10552 won." The dude said.
(8 dollars.)

I swiped my black card through the scanner.

Then it gave me a receipt.

Then I sat Soulhee in a chair and gave her a napkin and some utensils.

"Are you gonna eat something too?" Soulhee asked.

"No, I already ate." I said.

"Ok." She said and begun to eat.

When she was done, she looked for a trash can.

"Oh, it's on the far right." I said and handed her the plastic plate and threw it away.

"Ok, can I ask you like two more questions and you can go to sleep?" I asked.

Soulhee nodded.

We reached my office room and I opened my door again for Soulhee.

"If you can't remember, it's totally ok, but who were you with last?" I asked and begun to type on my computer.

"Oh, I think I was with my mom until someone hit me on my back of my head." She said.

"Do you remember anything else?" I asked with wide eyes.

"That's it. Sorry, I have memory loss." Soulhee said and smiled apologetically.

"Alright. Thank you Soulhee. If you want, you can sleep in my office again." I said and fluffed the pillow.

She nodded and smiled.


Bullet to the Heart | (Jackson Wang)Where stories live. Discover now