Chapter 10: Understanding Emotion

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"Vegeta! You've gone too far now!" Goku yelled while tightening his fist. His anger rose high and everyone in the room could tell. "It wasn't your place to tell their business."

"Who cares?" Vegeta replied smugly. "Krillin wasn't going to tell him. Look at that bald monk sitting in that seat with his head down. Looking so defeated and pathetic. The android wasn't going to tell him either, in fact, I think she was falling for him all over again." Vegeta laughed mockingly.

"Enough Vegeta!" Bulma yelled once again. Her eyes slowly drifted over to Lazuli who was still standing by the stairs with her head down.

Lazuli's legs eventually gave out and she dropped to the ground. The tears began rushing out of her eyes so fast that she couldn't even think about stopping them from leaving. Bulma rushed to her side, pushing Vegeta slightly out of the way so that she could comfort her friend. Bulma dropped down to her knees and wrapped her arms strongly around her best friend.

She cried harder now than before. Her tears now come out like a broken damn. She thought about Callion's face once he realized what happened. She hated herself for what she had done to Callion. She reached for her own heart to stop it from aching, but her skin was in the way. The same skin that she allowed another man besides Callion to touch. Instead, she tried to grab her chest to stop that from aching, but the aching only got worst. Teardrops hit the floor, creating a small pool of tears beneath them both.

"Everyone out now!" Bulma yelled.

Piccolo took it upon himself to run outside after Callion, still able to sense Callion's low ki signature.

Zayd and Kai looked at one another but didn't say a word. They just walked out of the building while shaking their heads.

Once Piccolo reached outside, he took off flying in the air to follow Callion, but once he realized that Callion wasn't far at all, he dropped back to the ground and started running instead

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Once Piccolo reached outside, he took off flying in the air to follow Callion, but once he realized that Callion wasn't far at all, he dropped back to the ground and started running instead. The light tapping of his footsteps on the concrete sidewalk along with the many cars around was the only thing he could hear, but he stayed focused and eventually found Callion walking through the streets. Everyone in the streets moved out of the way as Piccolo came by like they were terrified of him.

Callion's head was up and his face was calm. Too calm.

Piccolo walked right up to Callion and tapped his shoulder, causing Callion to jump a bit before turning around.

"Oh, Piccolo," Callion said then smiled. "Your place isn't this was... right?"

"I'm not out here to go home," Piccolo responded with a serious tone.

Callion looked at the ground for a moment and it showed Piccolo all the emotions he was feeling for just a moment before Callion quickly put the mask back on. "I'm fine. I promise."

"You're lying," Piccolo said while staring Callion in the eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Callion nodded his head. "Yeah," he said while turning away slightly. "I was a fool to think that Lazuli wouldn't move on after seven years of thinking I was dead. Who wouldn't move on, right?" A single tear fell from his eyes as he tilted his head. 

Piccolo could see that Callion wasn't looking for an actual answer. He just looked down at the ground as Callion's sadness began to affect him as well.

"I won't hold you up though Piccolo," Callion said while wiping the tears from his face. "I promise though, I'm ok. I just have to sort through what I'm feeling then adjust."

"I-I won't let you go through this alone Callion. You've already been through enough," Piccolo responded while flexing his jaw. His large teeth showed themselves as a bead of sweat began to fall from his forehead.

 His large teeth showed themselves as a bead of sweat began to fall from his forehead

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Krillin stood outside of Bulma's home with his head down. 

Gohan looked at him carefully before concluding the many thoughts going on through his mind and stopping on one. The one that truly mattered.

"Are you ok, Krillin?" Gohan asked. They had been close for years, even now Gohan still considered him a great friend. Gohan always thought about how Krillin cared for him on Planet Namek and how they were nearly inseparable for a while.

Krillin took a deep breath before responding with a no. "I didn't think that Callion was still alive. If I knew then I would have never gone after 18. I know how much she cares about Callion but I truly just wanted her to move on. It could have made me happy even if she moved on with someone other than me, but it made me happier when she chose me. Now Callion's back and I don't know what to do."

Gohan nodded his head in understanding. "Do you love her?"

Krillin looked down at the ground and then up at Gohan. He nodded his head. "I do," he said in a light tone.

The Saiyan sighed and slid down the side of the building to sit on the ground. The entire situation had him stressed, but he knew that he wasn't nearly as stressed as the love triangle that had suddenly formed. 

"I don't know what you're going to do Krillin. If you love her, you should fight for her love. You said that she chose you, remind her that you're the one who's been there for her. Let her know that you love her." Gohan looked at Krillin and nodded a bit to give Krillin that extra bit of encouragement.

"Wouldn't that be choosing her over Callion? I mean... I still cherish all the memories I had with Callion. He treated me like an equal and constantly reminded me of the power that I had inside of me. Without him, I don't think I'd be as strong as I am now."

Gohan shook his head. "No, I don't think that at all. I'm sure Callion will understand that you love her just as much, if not more, than he do."

Krillin nodded his head and instead of putting his head back down, he lifted it up and looked into the sky. 

Callion reached his ship after finally separating himself from Piccolo

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Callion reached his ship after finally separating himself from Piccolo. He'd spent a while trying to convince Piccolo that he was ok, even then, he didn't manage to accomplish that mission, but he did get Piccolo to finally stop following him and give him some time to process his emotions. 

Sitting down on one of the chairs, he stuck his face in his palms and let everything go.

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