The stony bridge

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I stepped forward, preparing myself for what was about to happen. PineStar spoke once again. "ScorchKit you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as ScorchPaw. Your mentor will be DustyPelt" I couldn't help but smile proudly, what was I so worried about? DustyPelt was no doubt one of the most skilled and honourable warriors in our clan. I speedily trot to DustyPelt and touch  noses with my new mentor before sitting beside him and shooting a smile to my mother and father, then to TwistedPaw, yet Twisted didn't seem to be pleased in any way, his ears pinned he hung his head low and stared forward. I felt sympathy for the blind molly beside him who was smiling proudly with her tail layed on top of Twisteds back, completely unaware of his displeasure.

"Clan dismissed" PineStar spoke

"We best get going kid, I'd like to teach you about the three clans as I show you the territory" DustyPelt purred and stood up tall, I followed him as we leaped over the stream surrounding camp. My eyes darted all across the moors, it was even more beautiful than I expected it to be. I cheered and raced around, leaping up and down in the tall grass so that I could see clearly. To this DustyPelt smiled and shot me a glance, notioning his tail for me to return to his side. We together walk around the entire territory as he tells me about the clans. "Our clan, BrookClan, a clan filled with kind-Hearted and Devoted warriors" I gazed at him filled with amazement and excitement. "JungleClan, a clan of Honest,agile and honourable cats, they inhabit the Deep Jungle. Their camp lies in the centre of the jungle. Beneath a giant oak tree, they have made dens within the roots of this tree. It offers them sanctuary and to this they are greatful" I was intrigued by this particular clan. "And finally, TundraClan, The fierce and Versatile. Their home is that of a snowy tundra, covered in ice and large rocks." I shivered at the thought of not having our warm sun shining down on the moors. "But not to worry, they are known to have thick, fluffy coats that keeps them warm in the harsh weather. This clan is not to be messed with, they honour the warrior code and there clan, they will stop at nothing to defend their clan and survive." He sighed and released a yawn as we grew closer to the single apple tree that lies at the edge of our territory.

"We should head back so-" DustyPelts words were cut off, he signalled for me to crouch low in the tall grass beneath the apple tree and I did so with confusion. His ears were twitching all around, trying to find something I assumed. "Hare." DustyPelt whispered in a hushed tone, I nodded and DustyPelt spoke again in the same quiet voice. "You stay here,beneath the tree, I will catch it" before I could say anything DustyPelt crept away, his nose held high in the air trying to catch the hares scent once again. I slumped down beneath the tree in boredom. I noticed just beyond a Two- Legs stony bridge, was the JungleClans territory. I gazed at the Tall trees in amazement. My thoughts were once again interrupted by the sound of a twig breaking by the stony bridge. I turned my head to look. But before I could call out to DustyPelt, Two unknown cats towered over me.

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