Chapter one; Meeting Max

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I trudge slowly through the forest, the leaves crunching beneath my feet, the snow melting against my skin. I let out a soft breath and continue walking through the woods, despite freezing. From the distance, I notice a small house. I run toward it, peeking through the window I see a boy, and two girls. One of the girls were older. A second later, another boy walks into the room. I'm sure they are family. I lean against the window, my breath making the glass fog up a little. The girl storms out of the house, as the man starts yelling. His loud voice startles me as I take a few steps back. I walk around the house, admiring it. "Who the hell are you?" A girls voice says behind me. I jump, upon turning around I lay my eyes on the girl. She has reddish hair, and her eyes were blue. "Hey." She said, snapping her fingers infront of my face. I tilt my head back, as she gives me a weird look. "I said who are you?" She repeats. I think she's a little mad. I raise my left arm and show her my name. Her eyes widen. "Woah!! Is that an actual tattoo?!" She asks in surprise. She grabs my hand, staring at my name. "Eleven. What does it mean?" She asks, looking at me once more. I slowly point to myself. "That's you? That's your name?" She asks. I slowly nod. "Oh. Well, hey Eleven. I'm Max, Max Mayfield. my name is actually Maxine but, no one calls me that." She says, smiling a little. I retract my hand from her grip. "Where are your parents?" She asks, her hands on her hips. I frown, and slowly shake my head. She tilts her head to the side curiously looking at me. "You don't have parents?" She asks. I sigh. I guess agreeing will be more easier than explaining. She nods. "Well, okay. You should stay here, with me and my family. Of course dad will just say no, and Billy's kind of a dick, so...guess ill have to get you in myself." She says, smirking. "Cant have you staying out here with no one." She leads me around of the house. "Here. Stay here, okay?" She says firmly. I nod. She smiles before turning around, back inside the house. A few minutes pass and she still isn't back. I wonder if I should go inside to see what's happening...before I leave for that, I hear a sound behind me. "Hey! Up here!!" A voice calls. I look up, trying to find the source of the voice and find Max at a nearby window. "Eleven. Grab onto this!" She says in a hushed tone. She drops a knotted mattress cover, just low enough for me to grab it. I tug on it lightly, ensuring safe climbing. She holds it still, watching me. I carefully climb it, and she grabs my hand as I get closer. She lets out a small grunt as she pulls me up, into her room. She sighs as she pulls the 'rope' up and closes the window. She then looks back at me. "That wasn't so hard hey?" She asks, plopping down into her bed. "Not hard." I say with a low voice. "Your a girl!" She says. I slowly nod. "Hm okay. I just thought you were a boy because your hair is kinda short. If it was up to your shoulders I would've known." She says, getting up. "Can I touch?" She asks, bringing her hand up to my head. I stay silent. "No?" She says, slowly bringing her hand down. "Okay." She says, smiling a little. I take her hand, and bring it closer to my head. "Touch." I say. "Oh okay if that's alright with you then." She says, playing with it a little. "Curly!!" She giggles. "Hey, take a seat! If you were out there for a while you must be tired." She says returning to the bed. She smiles up at me, and pats the spot next to her. "Come. Sit here!" She says. I sit down next to her, shivering. I frown. She notices my face. "What's wrong?" She asks, putting her hand on my shoulder. "Cold." I say. She nods. "Right! Yeah sorry." She says getting up. She walks into another room and comes out with a jacket. "Here. Better?" She says, helping me put it on. I nod. "Yes." I say. She smiles upon hearing me say that. I divert my eyes. "So uh, mind explaining what happened to you? I'm a little curious." She says. I sigh. Here goes nothing. "Papa doesn't let me out." I start. She raises an eyebrow. "That was quite the start." She says. "But everyone died. I escaped." I explain. Her eyes widen. "Someone died?!" She exclaims. "What the hell happened?!" She asks. "One." I say. Her mouth drops open. "What?" She asks. I sigh. This could take long. "One is a guard at home." I say. "Okay. But where is home?" She asks, crossing her legs. "Papa calls it laboratory." I explain. Her eyes widen again. "Your part of a lab??" She says. She leans closer to me. "What does your dad do to you in there? Experiments?" "Me and brothers and sisters have lessons." Her mouth drops. "There's more than one kid in there?" I slowly nod. "What are you in there for?" She asks. I think for a moment. What was the word? "Papa says I have telekinesis." I say. Is that how you say it? Her lips rise to slowly form a smile. "You have telekinesis?? Woah!" She exclaims. She grabs an object from her desk. "Here! Make this float!" She eagerly says. I look at the object. "It's a jenga piece." She says, pointing at it. "Jenga." I mumble. "Mhm." She says, nodding. I close my eyes and try to focus. Just then, I feel something dripping from my nose. "What the..." I hear Max mumble. I open my eyes and watch Max's reaction. Her eyes follow the jenga piece as it floats in midair. She claps with a wide smile. "So you DO have powers!! That's so cool eleven!!" She says. I sit back down on the bed, wiping the blood from my nose. "Now let's continue the story." She says, sitting next to me.
"That is quite the long story Eleven." She says. She carefully wiped my tears off my face. "Come on. Let me get you some clothes. You can borrow mine for the meantime." She says, reaching for her drawer. I carefully watch her movements. She takes a pair of clothing and hands them to me. "Here. Get dressed." She says with a small smile. I get up. I start to undress when she exclaims. "Don't do it here! Do it in there!!" She says, softly pushing me into another room. She closes the door behind me as I change. I walk out of the bathroom but max wasn't there anymore. I look around, and see a boy in one of the rooms. I then hear fast footsteps coming closer. I immediately run back into her room. I start to panic, my heart racing. I hide behind her bed, peeking to see who was coming. The door opens and I close my eyes, scared. For a few seconds, I hear nothing. Then I open my eyes to find Max giving me a funny look. "Hi" I say, looking up at her. "...hi" she says. I stay silent as max tries to find something to say to me. "What are you doing there?" She asks. "Um...nothing." I say hesitantly. She raises an eyebrow, clearly not believing me. "I need to use the restroom. I say, getting up. "Okay." She says. I practically run to the room. That was embarrassing. I lean on the sink covering my face. After a few minutes, I walk out to see Max on the bed, reading. She looks up and waves at me as she sees me. I silently wave back. "Oh. When you were in there, I figured you were hungry so I got you some food." She says, grabbing a plate."here. It's just some veggies and potatoes. They're mashed though." Max says, grabbing a fork.

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