Chapter five; meddling

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I hear rainfall softly thudding on the ceiling of my bedroom. I look over to the window, rain water running down the glass. "It's a good thing I don't have school then." I mumble, smirking to myself. A groan comes from behind me. "Morning El." I say without looking behind me. El wraps her arms around my waist. "Love you." She says. "Me too." I say. "Want breakfast?" I ask as El moves away from me. She nods and smiles. "Hungry." She says. "I thought so." I giggle as she moves the hair away from my face. "I'll go get something for you real quick." I say. "Yes Max." Eleven agrees. She gives me a small kiss on the cheek before I leave the room. Stepping down the stairs, I find the whole house silent. There was no one else there. "Huh...." I mumble, grabbing a plate. "Let's see...what's here..." I look through the fridge. "Maybe a leftover? Or should I just make some myself?" I say out loud. Ooh I know.

I look out the window. The ground was wet. I open it, and extend my hand out. The soft splatter of rain on my skin was all I could feel. The cold air was somewhat comforting. I wipe my hand on my shirt, getting it a little wet. Well, it's not that noticeable. I look over at Max's closet. I walk over to it. Upon opening it, I look through all her clothes, until I find a shirt. It was a green shirt. I quickly put it on, and admire my reflection in the window. "El, I have some toast with fruits, do you like-" Max calls for me, and I abruptly turn around as Max lays her hands on me. She puts one hand on her hips. "Is that my shirt?" She asks, smiling. I give her a cheeky grin. "It's okay; you can wear it." She says, setting the stuff down on her desk. "I just gotta wash it after. I'm not the 'keep the shirt after you wore it' person. I don't need your scent to be reminded of you." She winks. I raise an eyebrow. "Scent?" I ask, tugging slightly on the shirt. "It means smell. I don't need it to be reminded of you." She explains. I slowly nod. I take the shirt and press the lower half of my face on it. I gently sniff it, earning a stare from Max. "El!" She exclaims. I giggle, Looking back at her. I take the shirt off, as she walks to me, hand out reaching for her shirt. I gently place it on her hand, and she drops it on the bed. "Ooh El!! I have breakfast. Here." She says, bringing it to me. "There's this thing you haven't had before. It's eggos." She says. (Yes I brought els eggos back)

I watch as El takes a small bite out of the waffle. "Mhhh." She hums. I scoff, amused. She grabs the other one and takes a big bite. Wow. Guess she's got a new favourite. She shoves a handful of food into my face. "Woah-" I lean back. She laughs, face full of food. I take a fruit and as I'm about to take a bite I hear the car starting. I get up close to the window, and mom and dads car is driving away. "El. If or when Billy leaves, I can show you around the house." I say, looking back at her. She quickly nods and I peek downstairs to check. As soon as I see no one, I slip through the front door and watch as Billy's car speeds away. I make a fist. "Yes!!" I whisper shout as I run back upstairs. "El! Come!!" I say excitedly as El practically runs into my arms. We spend the whole day walking around the house, talking and laughing before I hear the engine roar. "Shit. Come on!" I say. I drag El up the stairs and into my room as the front door opens. "Maxine!" Billy yells. El squeezes my hand. "I'll be right back El." I say, as Els eyes widen. "Billy what?" I ask, walking down the stairs. Billy was laying on the couch, bottle in hand and a drunken face, laughing. He raises his hand, pointing at me. "So, how was little Prince Charming?" He slurs. "What?" I ask. "That boy in your room that you've been hiding you little shit." He says, getting up clumsily. My heart drops. How did he know? He staggers toward me. "If mom won't punish you, maybe dad will." He cackles, throwing the bottle onto the ground, making a small crack on the bottle. I stagger backward. "Billy what are you talking about? I don't have anyone in my room." I say, clutching my racing heart. Shit shit shit. I'm in so much shit. Billy grabs my shoulder and roughly pulls me off the stairs. "Your In so much trouble Maxine!!" He yells. "Fuck you!" I yell back. Just then, a force knocks Billy down. Eleven stands behind him, holding the dented bottle. "Here he is!!" Billy says, sing song. "Let her go." Eleven says. Billy hesitates for a second. "Oh, only are you in a relationship, but with a girl too??" Billy says, laughing. Billy throws a punch, before Eleven stops him. He stares at his hand, midair, frozen. Eleven pushes him backward as I rush behind her.
"El, be careful." She says softly behind me. Billy staggers toward us, and abruptly pulls me away from max. "El!" She yells, running toward me before getting stopped by Billy. "Billy please!!" She whimpers. A single tear rolls down her cheeks, but that single tear was enough to anger me. I scream as I launch him off of Max. I get up and start toward him, when Max stops me. "El." She says as I lower my hand. She slowly walks toward Billy, and I cautiously walk behind her, keeping my eyes on Billy.

"Leave me and El alone!" I say firmly. Billy just laughs. I look back at El and nod. She walks toward Billy and extends her hand. ", alone." I try again. He looks back at me, and El, and back at me again. "I will." He finally says. Me and Eleven breath a sign of relief. "Keep your mouth closed too" I say, as both Eleven and Billy seethes. Then, a car pulls up the driveway. "Shit! Come on!!" I pull Eleven up to my room and close the door, locking it.

Max peeks out the window as I look over her shoulder. There are her parents. She sighs. "I swear, Billy better not tattle." She mumbles. The front door opens. Max pressed her ear against the door. I follow her. I hear chatter downstairs, but no yelling or footsteps. I sigh with relief as Max drops unto the floor. She smiles up at me.

"Where is your sister?" He asks. I grumble. "In her room doing homework. I walked up and saw her." I say. Screw this. Mom and dads voice fades as I zone out. I have to tell them soon. But that girl will kill me. She's dangerous. I know just who to call.

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