Chapter three

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When we finally arrive home, I open the door. "Come on in-" I start when Eleven hurried through the door. "Hey El. About earlier-" I start before Eleven runs up the stairs, not even looking at me. "...Fuck." I whisper. I run up the stairs to her. "El." I say. "In this room." Her shaky voice whimpers from the bathroom. "Are you crying?" I ask. "No!" She claims. "El. Look what I said earlier." I start, My hand on the doorknob. "Didn't listen. Mad at me." She whispers. I jiggle the doorknob to get to Eleven, but to no success. "...just a little... but that doesn't mean I don't like you." I say, kneeling at the door. Eleven doesn't respond. "El. Let me in." I say. "No." She says, voice breaking. "Please" I plead. "I need to piss." I say. No response. I pull away from the door. "Are you kidding me..." I whisper.
*timeskip* (there's a lot ik im sorry)
I glance at my watch. 10 minutes had passed. You done?" I call out for Eleven. She exits the washroom, not even looking me in the eye. I sigh. Maybe I went too far with that last comment. "El." I say, walking into the room after her. "Look I'm sorry. Okay?" I say. She doesn't respond, and instead just stares out of the window. "Well okay. I'll just go get lunch and I'll give you lots okay?" I say, Walking out my room. "Hm..." I hum, looking through my moms recipe list. "Ah. Found it." I say, keeping my eyes locked at a specific one.

I slowly tiptoe down the stairs. I find Max in the kitchen, making something. "Jeez. How the this so hard to do..." she mumbles, fiddling with a metal object. "Oops. Did I overdo it?" She says, peering inside the bowl. "Looks right to me. Now what's next..." she mumbles before grabbing a thing from inside a cabinet. "Okay... how much? Ah." She says, continuing. Her eyebrows furrowed, and her lips pursed. She looks very cute when she's concentrated at something. A rising smile forms, and my heart races. I stare at her for a while before the door opens. I gasp and back away from the stairs. "What the hell are you doing here you little shit?" Billy's voice says. "I felt sick, so they sent me home." Max says. "Why didn't you say anything earlier? I wasted gas for you you little brat." He says, grabbing Max's hands

Billy grabs my wrists. "Billy let me go!" I plead, squirming in his grasp. "You better explain everything to mom and dad. Your lucky they'll be here in a few hours." He says. "I could fuck you up and you would keep your mouth shut." I gulp. "I'll do it, I promise." I say, feeling scared.

I extend my hand forward. "Ow!" Billy yells, and clutches his stomach. "Ugh! Fuck!!" He says, running somewhere. Max breaths heavily, leaning on the table.

My back touches the counter. What the hell was that? I look up the stairs, and remember eleven. "Oh!" I say, grabbing vegetables out of the fridge. I take all sorts, not even bothering to look at whatever I was getting. I put everything on a singular plate and grab a spoon before heading up. "El." I say, poking my head into the room. "I got you dinner. Your favourite." I say, stepping in." "I have potatoes, mashed." I say, closing it behind me. El looks up, but quickly looks back at the magazine she was looking at. "Okay, so that's it? Your just not gonna talk to me?" I say, setting the plate down. She scowls. "Okay, fine." I say, crossing my arms. She then puts the magazine down. "You don't like me." She says, giving me a stern look. "I didn't mean it! It was the heat of the moment El!! I almost got kidnapped! Because you went out instead of staying here, where it's safe!" I practically explode. She frowns and picks up the magazine again. "So you don't like me." She says. I sigh. "I don't mean I don't like you. I'm just a little upset you left the house. You almost got taken again." I say, lowering the magazine. She just stares at me. "like me?" She asks. "Yeah. I like you." I say, nodding while giving her a big smile. She finally smiles back. "Sorry." She apologizes, playing with her fingers. "Don't do it again okay?" I say, pulling her in for a hug. "Yes Max." She mumbles. "Come on. Eat El." I say, as she digs in. She closes her eyes as she takes another spoonful. I turn around to take my headphones and turn back to Elevens face absolutely messy with food. I laugh. "El." I say, wiping her lip with my thumb. Her lips were so soft. I zone out a little, just stroking my thumb on her lower lip.

Max continues to wipe my lips,despite having taken all the mess off it. I squint. Why is she still wiping my mouth? "Max." I say. She blinks, and looks up. "Ah yeah sorry." She says, immediately pulling away from me. "Okay?" I ask. She nods. "Nothing to worry about." She says. "Sorry. It was just...your lips are so soft." She adds. I raise an eyebrow. "Thank you?" I say uncertainly.

Well that was embarrassing. What the absolute hell was that?? "Max!! We're having dessert!!!" A yell comes from downstairs. I look back at eleven. "Stay here. I'm gonna go get something downstairs okay?" I say, getting up.

Max leaves the room right after. I take a spoonful of mashed potatoes. Yum... I take a sip of water and grab a vegetable. These are very good. I wonder what Max has to do now. What is dessert??

"Where are you taking that?" Dad yells. "In my room." I saw with a low voice. "You better not spill anything in there Maxine." He says. I ignore him and make my way into my room. "El?" I say out loud. Eleven looks up. "Max." She says, putting the silverware down. "I got you some desert Eleven." I say, setting down a bowl of ice cream. "It's ice cream. Very delicious." I say, giving her a spoon. She dips the spoon into the cream curiously, and tastes it. "Cold!" She says, chewing it very fast. I giggle. "Yeah. If you eat it too fast, you'll get brain freeze!!" I say. Her eyes widen. "Go on have a few bites!." I say, smiling. Eleven smiles wide while enjoying her desert.

"Max." Eleven says, holding up two of my comics. "Can I look at these?" She asks. "uh yeah. Sure." I say, sitting next to her. "I can read it to you if you want." I say. "I just wanna see." She says, opening it. "Okay" I say, admiring her. "I'll be right back okay? I just need to go to the washroom." I say. Eleven nods.

Max leaves the room. I flip through her books. Wow. Their very colourful. And there are lots of people in them. Who are they? "Hm." I hum. I put the books on the ground and walk around her room. It's so pretty. I fiddle with objects now and then, but careful enough not to break anything. I don't want Max mad at me again...

I close the door behind me and look at myself in the mirror. Was I falling in love? It couldn't be. Girls like boys and boys like girls. I slam my fist on the closest wall to me. This is so confusing. You know what? I change my mind. I don't care anymore. The heart wants what the heart wants. It doesn't change easily. "You can love whoever you want to. And no one can change that." I nod a few times, letting what I thought about sink in. Okay. I don't think I should tell Eleven yet. I creep out of my bathroom and knock on the door. "El I'm coming in." I say softly. The door opens without warning. "Woah-" I say, taking a step back. Eleven yawns."Sleepy?" I say, coming back in my room. She nods as she silently rubs her eyes. "Come on." I say, holding her up. "Want me to carry you?" I ask. She finally looks at me. "I can do that!!" I say, letting go. Eleven closes her eyes as I gently pick her up off her feet and slowly make my way to my bed. I set her down and pull the blanket over her shoulders. "Night El." I say. But Eleven touches my hand. "Stay?" She pleads. "I have to take these down. I'll get in trouble." I quietly say. "Billy?" She whispers. "No. Most likely mom or dad." I whisper back. She gets up, grabbing the bowl of finished ice cream. "Come with you." She says with a big smile." I slowly smile, and walk out with her and into the hallway. "Okay." I whisper, looking at Eleven. "Follow the steps I take, okay?" I say, she nods, and we both head down the stairs into the kitchen. "One...two...three..." I count in a hushed tone. "Four..." Eleven says, counting with me. Suddenly a creak comes from upstairs. Eleven looks at me with wide eyes. I gesture her to come down with me. "Come on." I say, bringing her into the kitchen. I set down the plate and Eleven hands me the rest. I put everything into the sink and grab Elevens hand. "Come on." I say, tiptoeing through the kitchen before seeing a figure. I duck down, just below the counter. Eleven breaths heavily, looking at me with worry. "Oh shit oh shit please not now." I mumble. A slam comes from the counter top, making Eleven flinch. Smoke starts to flow down into me and Elevens view. Eleven sticks her hand into the smoke, fascinated. Is Billy really smoking right now?? Eleven holds on tight to me, shutting her eyes. I hug her tight. I then hear footsteps receding. I slowly get up and look around. No sign of humans anywhere besides me and Eleven. I quickly rush up the stairs and into my room, Eleven following behind. "Oh Jesus." I say, clutching my chest as we both arrive in my room. Eleven grabs my wrist and guides my hand up to her chest. My cheeks start flushing, and my jaw drops. "Beating fast." Eleven says, gesturing to her heartbeat. "Uh, yeah." I say, taking my hand away. Eleven walks to the bed, and sits down, as I do the same. "Can I?" She asks. "What?" I say. She slowly glided her hand up from my stomach, to my chest, making me gasp. "Heart beat is fast now." She says, pressing her hand slightly harder. "El..." I mumble, touching her hand. "Max..." she answers. I graze my hand on her cheek, as she leans into my touch. "I think... I love you Max."

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